Mirabel falling in love with a skittish and curious darling

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CTTO: senoritaperfectas-flowerbed

⋆ ࣪ᰍ. Warnings: yandere, unhealthy behaviors, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy mindsets, toxic relationships, stalking

Characters:  Mirabel x (GN!darling, romantic)

• She was drawn by her darlings nature and actions. It was almost as she they were made for her. For them to be the one that saves her from her family or ease the pains she endures day and night because she was just as ordinary as ever. Getting flustered easily while having that urge to go out and explore, it was like a match made in heaven.

• Mirabel would often follow her darling whenever she sees them leaving town to venture off somewhere, keeping a safe distance to not be spotted, but enough that she can still see and make sure her darling is safe. No one will wonder where she is, and if anything, Dolores can just hear for her if someone did need her, so this was perfectly okay. It's not weird to follow the person you love. Mirabel just wants to make sure nothing bad happens

• She always has a look of excitement as she sneaks behind trees and large bushes just to stay hidden. It's almost as if she's the predator and her darling is the prey–to spring open at the first entrance of attack. Mirabel doesn't, however, she only continues to hide as her darling doesn't acknowledge her presence at all. They only continued to pick flowers and go beyond the safety of the Encanto and further into the columbian wild. It's not long till they have to go back. It's not safe to be out here when it gets dark. So they left, with Mirabel trailing behind. No one bothered asking why she came home late

• Another thing that makes her fall more in love is their skittish nature and how they can easily be excited and flustered, or cry over things people wouldn't be crying for. She loved seeing their flushed red face, but always hated to see them cry whenever that one thing finally tipped them over the edge. Mirabel loved it, but also hated it.

• So when she tries to get close to her darling, she always makes sure to give then a compliment just to see dazed face as they try to say something back in response to the positive affirmation because even a simple "You look nice today" often times sends them into a state of internal panic as the red and pink tints come in. She'll take every second to compliment her darling and show only the utmost kindness with her words filled with empty calories. Sometimes she has the urge to make her darling cry, but that's because she wants to swoop in to make them feel better. That's not so wrong, no? If she doesn't act upon then, then it's okay, right?

• Today she met her darling, the next she followed them out into the wilderness, the third she talked to them. She talked to her darling, can you believe it? It made her heart do backflips whenever she heard their voice. They were saying words to her as the two walked around town–Mirabel only listened with a smile plastered around her face. "Hey y/n" She turned her heard as they only replied with a 'hm?' "I should make you accessories. You'll look even more stunning if you wear them." The red and pink tints set in immediately, her darling looking away. Cute..

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