cute makeover

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"thank you" he said placing a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek and taking a spoon and knife to eat. "it's look delicious, thank you my Devil" he said.

Magnus just ignored the word and said "don't start at early morning. what can I do, you are being lazy and iam just addicted to pamper you" he sat in front the mirror.

"Iam not lazy, i want to use these privilege which no one ever have" he mumbled drinking juice.

Magnus turned and muttered "bless me making you feel like that.... finish your breakfast, then get up and get ready, we are going out".

"where are we going iam still feeling sick" he said pretending to cough.

Magnus rolled his eyes and said "missing your siblings doesn't make you sick. you have been saying that since yesterday evening".

"ofcourse iam missing them, whole week was incredible, i do have lot of fun. I wish they could stay more and we would be like that forever. And thank you for making this week so special for me. I love you for that" he said.

"only for that" Magnus asked coming towards Alec and sitting beside him.

"for everything" he said offering Magnus food.

Magnus smiled, opened his mouth and took a piece of toast in his mouth. Alec quickly leaned and bit the end piece which was held by Magnus 'lips.

Magnus' eyes widened and smirked "you are becoming more bold, my angel".

"no, iam not" he said hiding his smile while looking down at food.

"yes, you are...and iam loving it" Magnus said holding Alec's face and started to place kisses.

Alec was smiling so widely, closing his eyes, letting Magnus kiss how much he wanted.

"where are we going" Alec shouted putting on his shirt.

Magnus came to Alec's bedroom from the kitchen and said "shopping".

Alec eyes widened and horrified "no way, iam not gonna come. you make me wait for hours".

"we are going, Alexander, shopping for you, not for me" Magnus said.

"I have so many clothes, why do I need to shop" he asked.

"because tomorrow your college will start again. you have only a few colour t-shirts and shirts, we need more" Magnus said.

"I don't want to, please" he asked.

"I want to see you in a cherry red t-shirt, please" Magnus asked.

"I hate bright colours" he mumbled.

"I love to see them on you, don't you do that for me" Magnus asked putting his hands around Alec's neck, looking at hazel eyes.

"Hmmm, i try" Alec mumbled.

"good" he said and kissed Alec.

Alec closed his eyes and parted his lips to take Magnus lower lip between his, but Magnus backed away.

Alec looked lost and confused.

"we don't have time for this, maybe later, after we come home" Magnus said.

Alec pulled Magnus by wrapping his hands around waist "never ever interrupt me while iam kissing. nothing is important than this to me" he pressed lips on Magnus's and moved his lips aggressively.

Magnus smiled in between kisses and gave access to Alec to explore his mouth and at the same time he was doing his own thing, starting to suck Alec's upper lip again and again, making sure it would swallow a little bit.

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