12. Ugh

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Sinus headache: Sinus headaches are headaches that may feel like an infection in the sinuses (sinusitis). You may feel pressure around your eyes, cheeks and forehead. Perhaps your head throbs. Different from migraine because unlike migraines, sinus headaches don't cause nausea


I have had these headaches for quite a long while now so I thought I could put it on paper [well, screen :D]. Frankly speaking, the headache's really awful but anyways.....

Enjoy reading!


Namjoon had learnt it. He had learnt to live with the painful sinus headaches ever since he was a teenager. At first his family doctor suggested it was only temporary and was a symptom of sinusitis which might have been caused by the cold he had. But eventually it turned out otherwise. He came to be included in the list of those for whom these headaches were unfortunately long term friends. He was always upset since it was a huge obstruction to everything he did but at some point he began to care less.

And today had to be one of his miserable days! WOW!

Everything hurt. His eyelids hurt so much that it was difficult to even blink without feeling pain. His cheeks were aching so bad that it hurt to talk or even move his mouth. And his forehead? Well, just forget about it. It was beyond description. It was awful.

He dragged himself out of bed and freshened up. His eyes just wanted to keep themselves closed for when they were open, they would blink and his head would hurt ten times more. After a while of struggling, he arrived at the dining table and sat on one of the chairs without speaking a single word. 

'Namjoon-ah, why so sad?'

'H-Headache,' he croaked out in a low whisper but clear enough for everybody on the table. They already knew what he was talking about.

Jimin softly patted his head, knowing very well how he likes it. 

'It's gonna be fine hyung. Did you take the painkiller?' 

And the older groaned lightly before hiding his face in his arms that rested on the table. They all knew that Namjoon wasn't the greatest fan of painkillers because it 'always made him dependent' and moreover he wanted it to 'heal in a natural way'.


They were at the agency building. Of course, Namjoon had had to take the medicine since he didn't really have any energy to argue with the other 6, his head wouldn't let him. 

But he was sure to have taken a sound nap in the van before it arrived here. It was good but not enough. 

Currently he was in his studio, trying hard to concentrate but in vain. His head was throbbing badly and the sides of his head felt like they were squeezed mercilessly. Oh! It was hell!

The door then opened slowly and in came Jungkook with a cup in his hand. Namjoon couldn't be enough bothered to ask him why the heck this muscle bunny didn't have the minimal fear of his hyungs and never knocked before entering.

Namjoon Oneshots [MOSTLY HURT/SICK]Where stories live. Discover now