"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"Sorry, Cap, we couldn't tell you until we knew for sure that she was missing," Director Fury said evenly.
"If it's my daughter you tell me!" Steve slammed his fist down on Fury's desk.
"Cap, she is-"
"Don't 'Cap' me!"
"We have people looking for her," he said unphased by Steve's outburst.
"What have you found," Steve tried to calm himself but he found it very hard. All he had was his daughter and he wasn't about to let anything happen to her.
"We found signs of a struggle," he stopped.
"Go on."
"We found a lot of blood. It was-Caty's," Nick didn't want to tell him. He had had to bear to much bad news to people in his lifetime. Catalina was one of his best agents and loosing her was a blow to Shield; but not just that she was a great kid-well, a great woman.
"Oh, Nick," Steve put his face in his hands.
"We don't know that she is dead," he said as reassuringly as he could. "If she was there would be a body."
"I suppose," Steve felt very detached now. It was almost like in a dream where you know what's happening but everything is foggy.
"Surprisingly Natasha was able to locate what we sent her after," he informed, "and there has been no sign of the thief."
"What did you send her after," Steve swore if it wasn't worth her going he was going to throw a chair through Fury's window. Actually that window was broken a lot.
"That's Shield business, Cap."
"Tell me right now," Steve yelled.
Nick looked at him hard. He could send chills down your spin even though he only had one eye. That might be why it was more freaky. "We sent her after an experiment that was stolen from a wilderness base in Germany."
"What kind of experiment?"
"I'm debating whether I should tell you," he stated flatly.
"Nick," Steve said warningly.
"I don't have to tell you if I don't dang want to," he shouted sharply.
"Please, Nick, I have a right to know."
"Steve, I swear you could sweet talk Hitler into-," he stopped, "never mind bad reference."
"Ya think," he rolled his eyes.
"Back to the matter at hand. We were trying to replicate-," he paused before continuing, "-the super soldier serum."
Steve tightened his hands into fists. "Do you realize what has happened every other time that someone has tried to replicate that serum!"
"I'm well aware of that, Rogers!"
"Then why were you messing with it?!"
"If it worked once it can work again," Fury folded his arms across his chest. It was his way of saying 'don't question me otherwise you are gonna get you butt kicked in about two seconds.'
"First it was Red Skull then there was Josiah X. Not to mention Black Panther," he yelled. He was on his feet now. The only time the serum had worked was with him. He wasn't sure why it had been him but it had. This shouldn't be messed with again. All it did was put others in danger. He still had nightmares about what Red Skull had done to him and others. The serum had made his ambition turn evil.
"I know! But the important thing is that Natasha recovered it so it isn't in the wrong hands," he yelled back.
"But now my little girl is missing!"
"Cap, she ain't little anymore. She is a grown woman. Not to mention a very capable and strong woman. That's your DNA for the strength by the way."
"She is an agent of Shield. She knew the risks when she joined," Nick sighed. "All we can do is keep looking."
"Alright, but I'm going to Germany."
"You can on one condition," he said.
"And what's that, Nick?"
"Don't go a-wall on me," Fury eyed him carefully.
"Now why would I do a thing like that," he stated cautiously. He had gone a-wall before but only when necessary. He wasn't the only agent to do so.
"Because I know you well enough to know that if you thought it was he best alternative. You would do it."
"I won't this time," he promised.
"Good luck," Nick said. Steve Rogers didn't believe in luck. He believed in strength and skill. He would need it before he saw Catalina again.

Father's Enemy {A Captain America's Daughter fanfic}
Фанфик{FIRST BOOK IN THE FATHER'S ENEMY SERIES} Catalina Rogers, an agent of Shield, a fighter, a hero. She is also Captain Steve Rogers daughter and carries on his good and patriotic heart. When injured on a mission someone helps her and in the long run...