Comfort - Daniel LaRusso! {Imagine}

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This is just an imagine of Daniel comforting you when you're feeling down <3 Enjoy! :)

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You shut the bathroom door tightly with your back and you locked it so nobody could get in. Your mind was whizzing with so many overwhelming thoughts that your mind just felt like a bunch of tangled wires on the floor.
You sank down to the floor with your back still against the door and you slowly brought you knees to your chest.

"No one really understands me."
"Do they even want me?"
"I'm such a burden."
"God, why am I so annoying?"
"I shouldn't have said that, what if she's mad now?"

Those specific thoughts kept reoccurring in your head and you couldn't stop them no matter how hard you tried. You only sobbed louder after you had given up on even trying to push those thoughts away.

It felt as if the walls of your entire life were caving in on you and you just couldn't take it anymore. You had been dealing with these kind of thoughts and feelings for too long and now, you were simply just too tired to keep fighting them.

You had cried and cried until you felt tired from it. Your eyes felt heavy and they were red and puffy. You couldn't even lift yourself off the floor even though you were using ever muscle in your body to try. It was no use, though.

Around 2 minutes later, a sudden light knocking came from the other side of the door. You didn't even have the energy to move or even care about who it was.

"Baby?" A voice spoke. It was your boyfriend, Daniel. His voice was comforting. He had heard you crying and he was careful not to make a big deal out of it, as he knew how you felt about that, so he slowly and gently walked upstairs to comfort you. You couldn't reply, though, even if you had wanted to.

"Do you wanna maybe open the door for me, darling? I can try help? I won't judge you or anything, you know that. I'll just try to make you feel better. C'mon open the door, I hate to see you like this..." he pleaded.

It took you a minute, but by reaching hard and high for the doorhandle from the floor, you finally were able to unlock the door and Daniel slowly opened it.

He looked down at you when he first walked in. His eyes were immediately affectionate and pittiful. He felt so bad for you that it actually physically hurt him.

"Oh, sweetheart..." He muttered as he gently propped you up against the wall. He took off his hoodie and he helped you put it on. He smiled at you gently when you had finished and he held out his hand, signalling for you to take it.

It took all you had, but you were able to grab onto Daniel's soft hands and he helped you up, picked you up and carried you into the bedroom. He pulled the covers back a bit and gently placed you in their place and put them over you.

You were still crying, so he wiped your tears everytime one formed. It was heartwarming but you weren't exactly feeling any better. He must have sensed this because he slowly wrapped his arms around you and whispered

"I'm gonna go downstairs to get a few things, okay? I'll be right back, baby."

You just sniffled and nodded against his shoulder. He pulled away and kissed your forehead and quickly hurried off downstairs.

He was going as fast as he could as he frantically ran around looking for things to make you feel better. He ran to every room in the house. He returned after a few minutes to find you in the exact same position he left you in. He sighed of relief and layed out the items on the bedside table beside you and he turned on the lamp.

On the table, there now lay: a tub of ice cream, two spoons, the small teddy (that you had left in the kitchen because you're younger cousin was visiting and she wanted to play with it), A few blankets and a pack of tissues.

Firstly, he handed you the tissues and you used them to dry your eyes. He smiled at you and you made an attempt to smile back. It was hard to in the state that you were in. Then, he took one blanket and he gently wrapped it around you. He then did the same for himself with the other one, handed you the teddy and a spoon and he sat the tub of ice cream between the two of you and he opened it.

When he did all of that, he looked at you and smiled softly again. He moved over beside you so that he could put one arm around you or let you lay on his lap if you needed to. You put your head on his shoulder when he moved over and he smiled.

"Do you wanna talk about why you were upset, Y/N? You don't have to if you don't want to." He gently spoke.

"Sometimes it feels like I'm not wanted, Daniel. It feels like everyone's just pretending to like having me around and I'm so hurt by it. I feel like I'm everyone's least favourite person and it hurts, Daniel." You replied. He felt his eyes begin to fill with tears, but he didn't want to scare you so he held it in.

He put one arm around you and pulled you closer to him.

"I'll always want you around. You know that we all do. I know, that at times, it can be hard to believe it but I can promise you that you are mine and many people's favourite person. You're smile can light up a whole life!" He said. "And I'll always love you. And the everyone else will, too." He whispered as a tear ran down his face.

You buried your head in the crook of his neck and cried for a bit. The whole time, Daniel was comforting you by saying things like,

"Shh... It's alright. It's alright I promise."

After a while, he asked "Will ice-cream make you feel okay?" You looked up at him and smiled. It was the first time that you had smiled in a while. He smiled back, understanding you even though you didn't even say anything. You both picked up your spoons and began to eat. You stayed close to Daniel with your head on his shoulder, though.

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