!family and friends

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Monday January 10th 5:43 pm

"We got to head to the restaurant now,"Brandon says to Alison outside her room. "Coming papi"Alison responds walking toward her bedroom door. "Where's mommy? I need different earrings"Alison says, not liking the pearl ones. "Take the diamond ones,"Brandon tells his daughter. "Where are they?"Alison asks "Bathroom counter. The silver diamonds she's wearing the gold ones ''''Ok thanks papi"Alison calls walking to her parents room. Everyone heads to the front of the house. "My earrings huh?"Quinn says looking at Alison's ears. "Papi said i can borrow them for tonight" "They are so pretty"Kelsey says. "Thanks K,"Alison says. "Do we need the security guards? I'm pretty sure Beyonce and Jay-Z will have there's right?"Brandon asks. "How about we leave one here and bring the other 2"Brittany says. Arianna walks over to the intercom and presses the security house button and says "We will be needing 2 security guards please." They respond and they all head to the restaurant.

"There they are,"Beyonce says to Blue Ivy. "I'm pretty sure I'll become really good friends with those 2 younger girls."Blue Ivy says to her mom. "I'm pretty sure you will,"Beyonce responds. "Hey Britt,"Beyonce says. "Hey Bey"Brittany responds. "Hi Jay,"Santana says. "Hi San"He responds. "How is everyone?"Beyonce asks everyone sliding into the big round booth. "It's going well, we are all moved into the new house, we just have to transfer some furniture from New York to here. What about you?"Santana says. "We are good. I'm back in the studio, Blue is going to be featured in a song with her father so we are happy about that"Beyonce says. "Congrats Blue Ivy,"Sierra says. "Thanks, what's your name?"Blue asks. "Sierra and that's Alison. Everyone calls me little S because of my mama"Sierra says pointing at Santana. "I like your names,"Blue Ivy says. "Thanks, I like your name, it's so unique,"Alison tells her. "Already friends,"Quinn whispers to Jay-Z. "Agreed"Jay-Z replies "Where are the twins?"Brandon asks. "They didn't come this time. They are at home with my mother"Beyonce responds to Brandon. "Let me show you a picture, they've gotten so big,"Jay-Z says, opening his phone. "Your children have gotten bigger since the Ellen show"Beyonce says "Yes they do grow." "And Miss.Bella over here how is 4 treating you?"Beyonce asks looking at the 4 year old. "I like being 4, I think it's the right age"Isabella responds. "Kelsey, I haven't seen you since you were 6, you've grown, how are you doing?"Beyonce says looking over in Kelsey's direction "I have grown, and i'm doing very well thank you" "Are you visiting?"Beyonce asks curiously. "No, Maya is my girlfriend and I live with them because of some problems with my family,"Kelsey says. "Such a lovely family,"Jay-Z says. "Thank you,"Quinn says. "The 2 boys over there in the corner. How are you two doing?"Jay-Z asks. "I'm doing good, I found a good beat for a song"Michael says. "You gonna be a rapper now?"Arianna asks. "Yea I might"Michael responds. "Jay-Z is an expert at rapping so any questions, ask him"Brittany says. "I'd be honored to help you. What's your number."Jay-Z asks. Michael gives Jay his number and they all order. "We should have a playdate one day"Blue Ivy tells Sierra and Alison. "Agreed"The girls both say. "I think their friendship was meant to be,"Arianna says. "Yes you can tell,"Maya says. "I have an album coming out and Blue is in it so the second song do you want to be in?"Jay-Z asks Michael. "Yes please thank you"Micahel says, smiling. Everyone's delicious food comes and they all eat and have conversations. "Any new albums or songs coming from Santana?"Beyonce asks her. "A single is coming out tomorrow and then I have an album coming out next month,"Santana says. "Can't wait,"Quinn says. "It's gonna be lit like all the rest of the songs"Jay-Z says. "Agreed,"Brandon says. "Thank you Jay and Brandon,"Santana says. "This was lovely, we should do this again,"Brittany says. "Yes it was awesome, i would love to do this again sometime"Jay-z says. "Ok we will text you, or you text us"Brandon tells them. "Sounds good,"Beyonce says. "Blue, do you have a phone?"Sierra asks. "Yes, lemme get it"Blue responds, she turns to her mom. "Mom can I have my phone please?"She asks nicely. Beyonce hands her her phone. "You want my number?"Blue ivy asks. "Yes,"Alison says. They exchange phone numbers and everyone heads home. "That was awesome,"Arianna says. "Yea I liked it"Kelsey said. "I made a famous friend,"Sierra said. "You did indeed,"Brittany says to her daughter. "Imma go watch a movie,"Arianna says. "How about we all go?"Michael suggests to the kids. "Let's go,"Isabella says and they all run to the movie theater. "Brandon can you go with them please, I have to talk to Britt and Q"Santana looks at her brother. "Yes, but I will be back in about 10 minutes"Brandon says, smacking his sister's foot while walking to the movie theater. "So Q, can we tell B because I will tell her anyways" "What's wrong?"Britt asked, confused looking back and forth between the two. "I uhh-"Quinn stutters. "Just say it Q, she's not gonna get mad"Santana says rolling her eyes. "I want another child,"Quinn says, lowering her head. "Lucy Quinn Lopez"Britt says just like Santana. Santana kisses britts cheek. "I swear you too were meant for each other. Did you hear our conversation the other day?"Quinn asks. "No" "Santana said the exact 3 words you said" "I'm a genius"Brittany says. "Yes you are babe, but how do you feel about Q wanting another child?"Santana looks at her wife. "Well we have 6 children and she'll have 3 and they'll be 13 and 10 years apart so I don't think it's a big deal,"Britt says. "Just not now, in May probably,"Quinn says. "After all the big important things are done"Quinn reminds her. "Ohh yea"Brittany says. "It would be a winter baby though right?"Britt asks. "Yea"Quinn answers slowly. "What's wrong, do you not want a winter baby."Brittany asks Quinn. "No not really, but if I get a baby then I'm happy"Quinn says smiling. "That's good,"Brittany says. "I'm back,"Brandon says walking into the living room. Santana pushes him as he walks by; he turns around and launches at her. "That was for smacking my leg when you left,"Santana says. "Ok that's fair,"Brandon says sitting next to his wife. "I'm going to bed soon,"Brittany says. "I'll be right behind you. I need to finish a case and finish writing a few songs." "You're always doing work, take a break. When we go on the cruise no computer for you."Quinn says. "Wouldn't she need it just in case?"Brandon asks. "Are you on my side or not?"Quinn asks, turning around to her husband. "Papi can I buy this"Alison asks "Ask mommy"Brandon says to his daughter "Mommy can I buy it?"Alison aasks "What is that?"Quinn looks "It's a pop it, It's satisfying"Alison says "Mama can i buy this?"Gabriel asks. "Ask mommy,"Santana says. "What is it?"Brittany asks. She looks at it. "Get me pink please,"Brittany says, loving the oversized blanket sweatshirt. "YESS thanks mom"Gabriel says putting it in the cart. "Get mama's credit" "Why mines?"Santana asks looking up from her computer "I said so"Brittany says. "Gabriel if you dare touch it you're not getting anything"Santana says. "Go get it,"Brittany says. "GABRIEL"Santana yells as he goes off to his mom's bedroom. "Here"Gabriel says. "San it's 86 dollars. I bet you're getting about 3k right now coming in so calm down"Brittany says pulling San into her. "Pass me your phone Gab"Brittany says. "You have so many notifications coming through,"Santana says looking up at her son. "Yea"Gabriel responds. "Done, I did express shipping so it will come tomorrow,"Brittany says. "Tia you knew something papi did the same thing" "Genius"Brittany says, tapping her head. "Isn't that more money?"Santana asks, looking up from her wife's lap. "Yes," Brittany responds. "BBBritt"Santana whines. "I'm pretty sure 92 dollars won't hurt you,"Britt says, pecking Santana's lips. "Do you want me to tell B the things you buy on amazon without her knowing?"Quinn asks. "Say what now?" "Q why did you say that?"Santana says, flipping over in Brittany's lap. "She buys a lot of things for the kids,"Quinn says. "What about those pregnancy te-"Brandon starts to say. "Brandon what in god's name is your problem?"Santana says annoyed, and walks away crying. "So what did you say Brando"Brittany asks. "She buys pregnancy tests off amazon,"Brandon says. "First why. Second, why not CVS?"Brittany asks. "She doesn't want the paparazzi catching her, I don't know why she does it?I found out today."Quinn says. "Let me go find her,"Brittany says, getting up. "Mama wants another baby,"Gabriel says. "Maybe"Alison says.

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"Baby?"Brittany asks as she walks into her room and hears Santana crying. "No" Santana responds in the walk-in closet. "Why are you in here?"Brittany asks. "So I can smell all your clothes before you kick me out the house"Santana says looking up. "Who said anything about kicking you out the house?"Britt asked, very confused. "You always make me sleep on the coach when we fight or vice versa." "We haven't gotten into a fight, honey,"Brittany says, kneeling next to Santana. "Now do you want to explain to me about these pregnancy tests?"Britt asked. "No not really,"Santana says. "Are you pregnant?"Britt asked. "No,"Santana says. "So why do you have them?"Britt asked. "I want another baby..."Santana says, turning away from her wife. "That's all you had to tell me baby, done"Brittany says getting up and pulling Santana with her. "We already have 6 kids and one is a 4 year old,"Santana reminds Brittany. "And? What you want, you get San ''''May, then just like Q ''''Perfect"Britt says, kissing Santana's forehead. "I'm going to bed,"Santana says. "Me too" "Can you text the family group chat please telling them we are sleeping" "Sure"Britt says, grabbing her phone. "I left my phone on the couch."Santana growls. "I'll tell Q to plug it in,"Brittany says. "Thanks,"Santana says, kissing Brittany and Brittany nodding.


"Kids,"Quinn says over the intercom. They all go into the living room.

"yes?''Maya says. "Don't give attitude"Santana says "sorry"maya says. "Mommy what happened to mama after you found out about the pregnancy test?''Gabriel asks. "what?"Michael asks. "a pregnancy test?"Kelsey asks Santana. "Not A, she bought like 8 or 10 boxes apparently"Alison says. "Mama"Isabella says sitting on Santana's lap. "I did not call y'all in for this,"Santana says. "Tia are you pregnant?''Arianna asks. "No,"Santana says. "She wants another child" "Mama you understand you have 7 babies right now including mommy like you always do"Michael says. "I'm aware of that."Santana nods. "Do what you want, not our decision" "I can finally have a baby to hold"Arianna says "My baby no''Isabella crosses her arms while on Santana's lap. "My baby"Isabella says, turning and resting her head on Santana's shoulder. "Twins,"Sierra says. "No thanks''Brittany says "You really wanna baby sibling, huh bella?"Alison asks her cousin "yea very soon, mama please"Isabella asks "It doesn't work like that Bells''Santana says kissing the 4 year olds head "Now back to what we called you all in for. We are getting things from New York shipped here so do you want anything from the house here?''Brittany asks, changing the subject. "My vanity and all my make-up things and my bean bag chairs.''Maya says. "We aren't moving here permanently so we will buy another one, a double one for K"Brittany says. "Those are expensive" "You know what else is expensive?''Santana asks maya. "No,"Maya says. "You" Brandon says for Santana. " We have geniuses,"Isabella says. "Bean bag chair, zero gravity recliner, '' Maya says. "Ok, I put that in for what we need,"Santana tells maya. "Can we get a bowling alley?"Kelsey asks. "That is such a good idea. We have one in the city and we can get a bigger one here. Game room"Quinn says. "Done,"Brandon says as he places an order to have that done. "I wanna redo all the bathrooms. Heated floors different tiles' 'Santana says. "I agree,"Arianna says. "One at a time not all at once or we won't have a bathroom"Santana says. "We have 9 bathrooms mama"Michael says "I don't feel like walking up 2 flights of stairs to use the bathroom." "That's why we have an elevator,"Kelsey says. "Omg i forgot about that. So smart"Santana pops up. "Put the order in Babe to redo 4 bathrooms,"Quinn says to Brandon. "Anything from NY?"Brittany asks. "Other youtube camera's, some of my cute bathing suits, I forgot my stuffy,"Sierra says. "How do you sleep?"Michael asks. "Mama's music"She responds. "Done,"Brittany tells them. "Clothes mommy, bathing suits and shoes"Alison says. "Same,"Arianna says. "Britt, can you put that on the list?"Quinn asked. "Done" "We do need shoes. Put most shoes in there B"Santana says to her wife. "Should we go personal furniture shopping?"Isabella asks. "Soon baby, but i'm tired so how about you pick some things out on amazon. Go get Gab's iPad and shop, put everything you want in the cart and when you are done, bring it to me and mommy"Santana says to the 4 year old. "A shaved ice machine and ice cream maker, pink Tesla ride on a car, pretend cash register, and a crayola art spin maker thing"Santana says looking at the cart. "Yes mama."Isabella says. "What in god's name is a pink Tesla riding on a car?"Sierra asks. "Stop little S"Isabella says. "What did I do?" "You've been mean to my toys" "Isabella they don't have feelings"Michael says standing up for his twin sister. "Noo mike"Isabella starts to cry. "It's ok bells,"Arianna says. "The pink Tesla thing is the little car that little kids drive themselves,"Kesley says. "No, K I'm a big girl did you forget?"Isabella says laughing. "I forgot, for big girls, I said the wrong thing, sorry bells,"Kelsey says, picking Isabella up from Santana's lap. "She is so good with little kids, wait till a baby is on the way"Sierra says to Brittany. "I agree,"Brittany says. "So you want these things little B?"Santana asks her daughter. "Yes mama please"Isabella says. "Ok I'll get you them. We can make ice cream now!"Santana says. "Wait so we can make shaved ice and ice cream without going out and buying some?"Kelsey asks. "Correct" "I know we aren't a lazy family but I can't be more happy." "No mommy likes unicorns and me and her make unicorn ice cream because no one else will make it, in this world" "You were thinking of mommy?"Santana asks the 4 year old. "Yes mama, I was,"Isabella replies. "Who taught you? You have such good manners and speak so well for a 4 year old." "Mommy is a genius, her unicorn powder helped me. Right mommy?"Isabella looks at Brittany. "Yes baby girl,"Brittany says and smiles. "Awww,"Gabriel says. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry mama. Please i'm sorry don't cry"Isabella starts to tear seeing Santana crying. Brittany takes Isabella in her arms. "Bells, i'm crying happy tears you made me cry but happy tears. I'm not mad,"Santana says, smiling. "Gosh, I suspected Izzy to turn out like you but no she's like B"Brandon laughs at Santana. "She really does turn out like my wife huh?"Santana looks up at Brittany who nods and smiles. "Why are you being mean to my mama?"Isabella asks. "No he is playing Bella, it's all good she's not mad. We would never hurt your mama or mommy"Quinn says. "Good. No one hurt my mama nor mom"Isabella says pouting. "She's like Britt and K is like you San, I swear it's true." "No me too"Sierra says, doing the puppy eyes. "I have 2 little me's. "Tia, Izzy can become you when someone in her family isn't protected but most of it is all tia B, their twins" "Talking about protecting, tio the slushy maker"Isabella says her head popping up. "Good catch little B"Brandon says to his youngest niece. "You and the nicknames, this family is so crazy" "Oh shush we know you love the family." "I uhh-" "Maya Marie Peirce-Lopez, think about what you're going to say next"Santana glares at her daughter. "Jeez M, what is your problem?"Michael says. "Cállate y no hables ahora mismo"Maya says, looking at him and rolling her eyes. (shut up and don't talk right now) "actitud jovencita''Brittany says. (young lady attitude) "Ninguno de ustedes está en su sano juicio para pensar que no me gusta esta familia. Juro lo que está pasando, ¿no sabéis cuánto os quiero a todos hasta la muerte? Haría lo que fuese"Maya says. (None of you are in your right mind to think that I don't like this family. I swear what is happening, don't you know how much I love you all to death? I would do whatever) "Tia don't cry" "I love you all so much, and I definitely wouldn't leave for dwarf or Frankenteen" "You better not baby"Brandon says to Quinn. "I could neva''"Quinn says kissing Brandon. "Familia abrazo,"Allison says. (Family hug) "Come here"Brittanys says. Everyone gets in the hug and hugs. "Los amo tanto a todos y haría cualquier cosa por todos ustedes y los protegería tanto como pueda. Los amo a todos con cada centímetro de mí y no podría pedir a ninguna otra familia."Santana says, tearing and pulling away from the hug. (I love you all so much and I would do anything for all of you and protect you as much as I can. I love you all with every inch of me and I couldn't ask for any other family.) "I love you too tia"Arianna says looking up at Santana. "I love you mama. I couldn't ask for another family, I love ours"Maya says looking at Santana. "I love you san. I love all of you to death"Quinn says. "I love you bebe,"Brandon says to Quinn. Quinn turns around and kisses him. "Baby girl what's wrong?"Santana asks Brittanys as Brittany turns around crying. "Our family is perfect,"Brittany says, turning around forming a smile. "It is, isn't it?"Santana says. "Not without a baby don't forget"Kelsey says. "Not without a baby."Brittany nods "My baby,"Isabella says. "A cute, fat, chubby, tan baby,"Santana says. "So you're carrying?"Quinn asks "Yea"Santana responds. "Ouch B, I'm sorry,"Quinn says. "Why sorry tia?"Sierra asks. "Your mama, when she's pregnant her moods aren't so good. Remember when you were 2 and she was pregnant with Gabriel and me and tio always had to come get you a lot."Quinn starts to say. Sierra nods. "Your mama, her moods always turn, she always craves crazy things. Once she ate apples dipped in bbq sauce and apple sauce mixed. She also has needs that we probably won't get to right now."Quinn finishes. "Mama whatever mix you made is nasty."Kelsey says with a disgusted face. "Ariana Grande's song"Michael says "We aren't talking about that right now"Sierra says to her twin brother. "I was pregnant, ok that's it"Santana says. "B, was so much better we had to take the kids 2 times while she was pregnant with Izzy" "She has much more patience and knows I lose my cool after a while."Santana says. "She'll carry, same donor, yeah you know the deal"Brittany says. "One of my boys has a package,"Santana says looking up from her phone, getting an alert that there is a package on the doorstep. "That would be him,"Mike says, looking at his brother. "Wait, you ordered things?"Arianna asks. "Yea, mommy got something too" "If it's something you know I want I swear I'll take it"Kelsey says. "We may have a problem now,"Gabriel says. "She's gonna want it,"Alison says. "Correct" Gabriel says. "We can buy another. Lavender and dark purple"Santana suggested. "Okay,"Kelsey says smiling. "Mommy my package?"Isabella says. "It's coming tomorrow. We ordered it about 30 minutes ago and mommy did express shipping so it will be here very early in the morning ''''In the morning, it will be waiting for you, Bella,"Sierra says. "Here's the package,"Gabriel says. "Here's your mommy,"Gabriel says, handing Brittany her package. "Show us." "I got a navy oversized fluffy blanket sweater, and mommy got the same thing in light pink,"Gabriel explains to his family. Kelsey lowers her head. "I have a feeling K told him about it" "Exactly"Alison says. "I'll get you one K"Santana says looking at Kelsey who brought her head up. Kelsey mouths thanks. "Let's play board games and let it be a chill day. I feel like we haven't had one in years."Brandon says "We really haven't had a family board game day in a while. Let's do it!"Michael says.
Wednesday passes Thursday*

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