"Light that fucker up!" Riona barked with her blazing eyes focusing on her winged target. The trio of Wayfinders trained their weapons on the Nightwing. Riona was the first to fire, the Hazardite rounds left a glowing blue trail as they flew towards their intended target. The monster cried out as several 5.56 AP Hazardite rounds pierced its thick hide.
In response, it sent two more barbs toward Riona. The first buried itself into her shield, the second glanced off the side of her helmet. Allen sent a larger .303 round into the oversized bat's kneecap. The creature shrieked as it stumbled and attempted to regain its footing on the rafters.
Faren followed by mag dumping her beretta into the creature, the smaller 9mm rounds didn't seem to have as much of an effect on the Nightwing.
"Move Chekhov back! Find some goddamn cover!" She commanded. Faren rushed over to the fallen escort and dragged her past the doorway leading into the room.Allen started backing up towards the doorway keeping his flashlight trained on the creature, keeping the creature at least semi-subdued. He fired another round, striking the creature in the stomach. He then rounded the doorway to take cover.
Riona was the last to exit the room. Faren frantically searched her own bag for her medical kit.
"I need another set of hands for this!" Faren called out the other two as she opened up her trauma kit.
Allen ran over to help stem Nat's blood loss. Riona crouched down into a firing position and opened up with her HK. The creature leaped from the rafter to rafter at lightning speed as the bullets and splinters whizzed past its form.
Allen rushed back to Riona's side as he leaned around the doorway to lay down fire with his Lee Enfield. He fired two more rounds both made their mark into its chest. This time it didn't keep its footing. The Nightwing tumbled down to the floor crushing a wooden table under its weight. A cloud of dust rose above the wreckage as the creature lay motionless.
"Did we get it?" Allen asked as he aimed down his rifle. Riona narrowed her eyes as she glared at the creature. She flipped off the safety of her M203 grenade launcher.
"Wait." She simply said, within a few seconds the creature stirred, regaining its senses. The Wayfinders remained steadfast as they aimed the barrels of their firearms at the beast.The Nightwing turned its head to look at the pair. Its empty eyes looked between the two Wayfinders. It stared at Riona intensely with a flicker of familiarity in its eyes. Riona felt paralyzed from making eye contact, her own body did not obey her commands to pull the trigger. The experienced Wayfinder understood at that moment, it remembered her, blood lust filled its eyes as it lunged towards Riona at breakneck speed.
She screamed at her own feet to move, to try and get out of the way. Her hands started to shake, she fought and fought to do something but it was hopeless.
A gloved hand grabbed onto her shoulder, she couldn't turn to see who it was. Riona felt herself be yanked out of harm's way. Her body fell to the ground as she heard the creature crash into a nearby bookshelf.
Riona felt that she was able to move again, she turned her head to see her savior. Faren, her green eyes were filled with fury as she let Riona go and let loose an Hazardite arrow from her bowstring. A cry of agony pierced the air as the arrow lodged itself into the vile thing's side.
Riona jumped to her feet swiftly as she heard the roar of Allen's shotgun. The Bat thrashed about and started retreating towards one of the boarded-up windows, once again it turned and tried to make eye contact with Riona.
She was prepared this time. The Wayfinder looked away from its gaze and pulled the trigger of her grenade launcher, the 40mm buckshot shell slammed into the Bat. The creature barreled out of the boarded window, destroying the large window's barricade entirely. It made its escape into the setting sky, its dark shape only grow further away from them by the second.

Tales from Perdition: Angel's tale
Horror[ONGOING] Five years after the lights appeared in the sky. Five years after the major cities became ruins. The world has changed, the world that natural science can explain is gone. We are aliens on our own planet. It all happened so fast, with...