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While Cheong-San was on the floor, getting his eye gouged, On-jo grabbed Gwi-nam by his arm and attempted to stop him.

Throwing her back, she went sliding across the floor. Su-hyeok kicked Gwi-nam off and managed to get a few hits in before he went gliding across the floor as well.

Joon-yeong ran over to Su-hyeok, checking to see if he was alright. Glancing over everyone, Gwi-nams eye lingered on Y/n for a few seconds before moving on.

"Who are you?"

"What the hell are you? You come from the One heart club?"

"It's me. Yeah. You don't know? How the fuck do you not know me? Y/n hasn't mentioned me?" Glancing toward Y/n, he waited for a response from her but received one from Cheong-San instead.

"I know you. I've said it many times. You're the bullies gopher."

Real smart, anger him even more, yup.

"If you call me that again, I'll kill you."

"You weren't a gangster and you weren't a good student. Now you're not a human and you're not a zombie either. No matter the time or place you're nothing."

"I won't just kill you. I'll gouge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. Everyone but Cheong-San and Y/n can go. Unless you wanna die with him."

"Why me? Fuck off man I didn't do anything." Y/n just scoffed at him, so he'd kill Cheong-San?

Then why'd she have to stay? She wouldn't let him, of course, but she was still curious as to why he brought her into it.

Nobody made an effort to go, which only made him angrier.

"You're all dead."

Gwi-nam went running towards Cheong-San again while three people tried holding him down.

Joon-yeong hit him with a piece of wood only to receive a kick in the gut making him go sliding back.

Throwing Woo-jin into Dae-su, Gwi-nam was free from their holds.

Kicking Cheong-San further and further, Su-hyeok decided to try and help which resulted in him being choked.

As the two fought Nam-ra's hands started twitching, making her grab a stick, which was on fire, and started hitting Gwi-nam.

Turning around he slapped her, making her fall onto the floor.

Y/n was amused watching them fight but she couldn't let anyone die. Walking over to where Gwi-nam was standing, she pulled his collar back, causing him to start coughing.

Nam-ra got back up and rushed to Su-hyeok's side, making sure he was alright.

While Gwi-nam was going to slap her hand away, he was suddenly raised in the air and started having trouble catching his breath.

Clutching Y/n's wrist, he noticed red veins going up her wrist.

"No hard feelings, alright?" Y/n started walking towards the railing with one hand in her pocket and had him leaned over it.

Not waiting for a response she dropped him, leaning over the railing she waved bye as her head began to twitch.


Everyone was sitting in a circle, around five of them looked like they went through hell and back.

"What the hell is with that Gwi-nam kid? You said he got bitten."

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