At one point, she just wants to go home. She wouldn't mind jumping off from the same window plunging into the waterfall. 

However, what were the chances that she will make it out alive this time? 

"I understand that you're upset about this. I did not expect this to happen. Rest assured, if anything happens to your friend, I will take the full blame for it." Taehyung states. 

"Whether you take responsibility or not doesn't matter. If he dies because of this incident, it's on both of you. He was just an innocent person doing his job, taking his orders seriously. Is blaming each other going to do anything for him? Jaehyun's heavily injured for crying out loud." Ailiseu retorts, holding back from cursing directly at his face.  

Jaehyun mumbles under his breath. He doesn't want Ailiseu to get involved any further and cause herself trouble. 

In a moment of intense silence and hidden anger, Ailiseu withheld from causing a scene. 

A rather sinister laugh erupts from Taehyung, causing Ailiseu's heart to pound faster. His chuckles reverberated around the chamber. It doesn't sound like a burst of sincere laughter instead, it was mocking Ailiseu. 

She backs away from Taehyung, who remains standing by the door. His deep, reverberating chuckle dies down in a playful smile, "We can simply just replace him. It's that easy." 

Her heart almost drops down at this statement, irking and worrying the lass. Taehyung ambles toward the two. She hastily grabs Jaehyun's palm, intertwining their fingers together. 

He stops one step before Ailiseu and leans forward. 

"I'm expecting you in the Great Hall by ten. There won't be any exceptions, Miss Ailiseu." he notes, side glancing at Jaehyun before stepping back. 

The sincere yet fake smile is back, plastered on his curt expression. He swiftly turns around, making his way out of the chamber. 

Once the door closes behind him, Ailiseu pulls her hand away from Jaehyun. She notices how sweaty her palm is and how short of a breath she is exhaling. 

"G-go ... Ailiseu." 

She glances around and sees Jaehyung struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Go ... Ailiseu. I'll be fine here." 

Jaehyun sinks back against the pillow, his head resting quite comfortably on the plushy pillow. As much as he would like to stick with Ailiseu, his priority is to recover fast. Even she knows that. 

"But ..." Ailiseu begins. 

Jaehyun waves his palm and encourages her to go quickly, "The Great Hall is just straight away once you make a turn to the left. You'll see two guards standing by large doors. If you're lost, you can ask the servants if you see one."

Ailiseu glances at Jaehyun once more before closing the door with a tight shut. She swallows the nervous lump down her throat. 

She had just threatened one of the Lords not a moment ago. Unknown of what's to come, her head remains high. She'd have to follow their orders, for now, to reduce the risk of death, especially the bedridden Jaehyun. 

The young lass ambles in the following directions. Most of the corridors looked the same, and have the same intricate details on the cornice and glass walls. The corridors are either so desolate and empty or sometimes crowded, yet Ailiseu was glad she was never in that crowd.

The ball night party was already disastrous that she would never want to go back into.

Yet here she was. 

"Left ... left, with two guards ..." Ailiseu mumbles quietly to herself.

It wasn't as far as she had expected and sooner she had found the great hall. The two guards as mentioned were standing by the doorway. They did not bat a glance at Ailiseu, which made her more nervous. They each were holding a steel spear, standing by them like royal steads. 

Ailiseu made a mental note not to piss off anyone here.

She clears her throat before knocking lightly on the door. 

There was no answer at first, inducing the edgy young woman to knock harder this time. 

"Come in." says the familiar eager voice. 

She was about to push the door handles, only for the doors to be opened by the butler she saw earlier. 

A cold uncertain breeze flows right across Ailiseu's cheeks. A soft and harmonious tune hums in the background. Her legs stood strong, yet were like soft noodles. She was ready to break down and fall yet holds on tightly to her balance. 

The ends of her hair were standing uncomfortably. A single drop of sweat was rolling down her back, her blouse sticking against her skin. 

The first steps were heavy, even when they were announced. 

There were two of the lords she is heavily familiar with, leaving one strange new face sitting by the window. The soft glare of the sun was highlighting his cheek and gloomy expression. It is an ironic sight. 

He was reading a book and is immersed in his own world. He doesn't bat a glance in Ailiseu's way. 

"Ailiseu, so nice of you to come here on time." Taehyung said, pulling her attention back to him. 

She gives in a little nod, briefly glancing at Jungkook. He is in his own little world. She wouldn't ever forgive him for hurting Jaehyun, intentionally or not. 

Taehyung takes note of her sour reaction to Jungkook's presence, to which he takes this situation to his advantage. 

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