I woke up on my bed naked and with wet hair. I was only able to open my eyes a little as the sun beamed in through my window.
I covered my mouth with my hand. I sat up quickly. I thought alcohol was supposed to make you forget! I remember everything: the dancing, the games... the lake. Oh my god, I totally took advantage of that guy. OH MY GOD! I don't even know his name! Suddenly, a headache tore through my brain, and it was like my shoulders had sandbags on them. My throat was like a desert and everything was too bright and loud... I'm definitely hungover.
I found a robe and made my way to the bathroom.
Oh no the lake "you need to get out of the water or you'll get a cold". That's what he said to me, and he was right. I reached for the tissues and they slid towards me. Yeep! What was that, they definitely just moved towards me. Well, that's impossible so maybe it didn't. Ok let's try again. I am going to grab- get the toothpaste. I closed my eyes and really focused.
The toothpaste flew through the air and crashed into the wall causing me to instinctually duck. I stood there with my mouth open and my hand loosely balled up pressing against my stomach.
"What the fuck" I mouthed to myself. What is going on! Holy fucking shi-
"Are you ok!" Joya yelled from down the hall.
"Umm. Yeah I?... dropped the toothpaste" I yelled back. And by dropping the toothpaste I mean I made it fly through the fucking air with my fucking mind. What am I going to do? I stood there for a moment and allowed myself to slump against the counter as thoughts raced through my aching mind.
I guess I have to go to work. Amaan said I could come in late today. Oh shit! What time is it? I hurried and got in the shower, brushed my teeth a little wary of myself, and went back to my room.
I scrambled for some clothes and then bolted out the door, barely having enough time to say bye to Joya.
The trees rushed past as I drove towards town. "Okay , I just have to stay calm." I started telling myself.
"Maybe it was just a fluke, what happened this morning... No it wasn't what I am talking about!"
The radio turned on and started rapidly changing stations.
"I'm getting all worked up again!" I said frantically as I took a deep breath. The radio stopped and I continued to breathe and focus on the road.
I made it into work without any issues, thankfully.
"Good morning!" Rozlyn shined, seriously is she never in a bad mood.
"Hello, Rozlyn." I said as normally as possible.
"Did you have fun last night?"
"Yeah, I didn't do anything weird did I?" I remember pretty much everything but, I have to check.
"You mean when you stripped naked and stood on a chair declaring yourself as the 'goddess of the Earth and Moon'? It was really a struggle to get your clothes back on."
"WHAT!" I don't remember doing that. She started laughing maniacally. And then it clicked.
"Not funny." I said, starting to smile.
" I thought it was." She lightly chuckled.
"Okay, I have to work" I walked to the back and Amaan was back there blending away.

Midnight Season
WerewolfYasmine is a normal, yet, socially awkward young woman. After Yazmine's father dies she goes to live with her great-aunt Joya. She gets a job, rather, the job gets her. Where she find out that werewolves exist and WHO is her WHAT!? From there on...