Chapter 6

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After study hall, which was really boring, I look at my schedule and see that I have Mr. Hobbs for calculus. I groan. Really? I hate math with all my heart. But to make it worse, it's calculus. That's just peachy.

I find the room number before the bell rings. Thank god. I don't like coming in late because then everyone will stare at you, and staring is not something I want.

When I walk in the classroom, there is only a few people in the classroom. The teacher is in the front of the room writing something on the board. I walk up to him and introduce myself.

"Excuse me." The teacher, I'm assuming is Mr. Hobbs, turns around.

"Yes? Can I help you?" He asks.

"I'm new. Carlie Robertson." I say.

He smiles as realization crosses his face. "Ah, Yes. Ms. Robertson. Pleasure to have you. Here is your book and your desk number." He says handing me a book and a piece of paper.

I get the feeling of being watched and I turn around. Holy sweet baby Jesus! There is a god in this classroom. And he is looking right at me. Oh my god, do I have something on my face? Is my hair messy? Make-up smudged? Is my--

Whoa whoa. Why do I care what he thinks? I would never have a chance with him anyways! I look back at him and see he has dark brown hair with very tan skin. He has the most beautiful and captivating electric blue eyes I have ever seen. He's wearing a tight gray v-neck shirt that is just tight enough to let everyone know that he has muscles. He's also wearing loose faded blue jeans that fit him perfectly along with some black converse. I finally look back up at his face and see he has a smirk on his luscious, pink, and kissable lips. He whispers something that I can't hear and he starts walking over to me.

I start to panick. What do I do? I don't have any experience whatsoever with talking to boys. Oh, dear Jesus. Romance movies don't fail me now.

I try to get rid of the blush on my cheeks and stand with as much confidence as I could muster. Which wasn't much.

He walks up to me and smiles. "Hey, I'm Kaleb Knight. What's your name?" He asks.

"C-Carlie Robertson." I stutter while trying not to be distracted by his god-like looks. I mentally punch myself in the face. I just had to stutter, didn't I?

"That's a beautiful name. Come on, you can sit with me." He says, chuckling while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a desk in the back row. I am so shocked by the sparks that I feel when he grabs my hand that I gasp and yank my hand out of his grasp.

He instantly turns around with a worried expression. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! Are you okay? I can--" I cut him off by laughing. "Why are you laughing?" He says confused, but his tone is still laced with worry.

I sober up from laughing and say, "I guess you just shocked me when you grabbed my hand and I was surprised." I say giggling quietly at the end.

I guess it wasn't quiet enough because Kaleb's face lights up. "Your giggle is so cute." He says as I blush.

"Whatever." I say, trying to cover up my blush.

He chuckles. "Come on." He says, and motions for me to follow him to his seat.

"Wait, Mr. Hobbs already assigned me a seat in row three, seat six." I say sadly but I don't know why.

Kaleb just rolls his eyes. "I'm sure Mr. Hobbs wouldn't mind you sitting with me. Right, Mr. Hobbs?" He says in an authoritive tone that makes anyone want to obey him. I just wanted to do everything he says when he talks like that.

Mr. Hobbs eyes widen. "U-Um. Yes, of course, Al-Kaleb. Go ahead Ms. Robertson, take a seat." Ok then, I wonder what Mr. Hobbs was going to say? He said Al- and then he changed it to Kaleb. Whatever.

"Come on, Carlie." He grabs my hand again and drags me to a seat in the very back. I follow him to his seat and we both sit down. But he keeps holding my hand. I feel little tingles shooting up my arm from the contact. I try to pull my hand back but he has a strong but gentle grip on my hand. I eventually just give up realizing he isn't going to be letting go any time soon.

And the weirdest part about this situation, you may ask?

I liked it.


Getting To Know The Author:

This chapter was blah. But I feel blah. So deal with it.

"Getting To Know The Author" authors notes will continue on until chapter 10.

Antyways! I don't really have that much input for this chapter but I do have my questions!

Question time!

What do you think is going to happen?

Thoughts on Carlie?

Thoughts on John?

Thoughts on Melinda? Do you like her?

Thoughts on Kaleb?

Okay, that's enough for now.

Question From The Author:

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I am a cat person. It's not like I don't like dogs, it's just that I like cats better. And we have multiple things in common: we like to eat, we don't like it when people annoy us, and we LOVE to sleep!

Random Fact About Myself: I am sick on my fall break. My throat feels like I swallowed a cheese grater and my lips are majorly chapped.

But you don't care!

Song Of My Day: Marry Me by Jason Derulo. I love Jason Derulo. This song makes me want to go up to a random guy and propose to him.

I'm weird, deal with it.

Quote of the Day:

"You are never too old for a Disney movie." - Dunno who said this quote. Found it on Google. Sue me.


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