Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Five thirty came all too early for Stratton. He groaned and pulled himself out of bed. He fumbled around in the darkness for a moment until he found the light switch.  He quickly showered and dressed and loaded his stuff into his car. The drive to Atlanta took around 2 hours and the long drive seemed even longer with all the thoughts of New York and Kathryn haunting his mind.

     Stratton had only been on a plane one other time, on his senior trip to Panama. That time he had been on the plane, he had been with Kathryn. She had laughed at him as he gripped the armrests of the seat tightly during take-off and landing. He had laughed too, but inside he was secretly scared to death. This time she wouldn’t be there to hold his hand

“Get a grip on yourself; she doesn’t have anything to do with you anymore. She left you for New York. It’s over.”

Then why are you going to New York to try to find her?  Questioned a small malicious voice in his head, and for that Stratton had no reply.


 On the flight to New York, Stratton drifted in and out of sleep. He was relaxing in his seat trying not to think of the last time he had been on a flight when he noticed an older woman sitting in the seat next to him. She smiled and he returned it tentatively not really wanting to start a conversation, but when she leaned in he knew his hope was fruitless.

“Where are you headed?” She asked him

“New York” He replied

“I’ve always wanted to go to New York, all the sights and sounds and lights” she drifted off into her own fantasies but after a few moments, but then added “Are you from there?”

“No, I’m not, I’m from Georgia, I’m just going for a couple of weeks.”

“Well, I hope you have fun and find your girl.” The lady said.

“How did you know I’m looking for a girl?” Stratton asked, surprised.

“I always know, I just do” She smiled and settled back into her seat and closed her eyes.

    Stratton did the same and before he knew it, he was landing at the airport in New York. He gathered his things and made his way to the baggage claim.

    He had made reservations at a hotel within walking distance to the apartment in Kathryn’s letter.      It was around 7:00 by the time he checked into his hotel, so he didn’t plan on seeing Kathryn that night. Besides, he was hungry and tired and his clothes smelled like airplane.  As Stratton entered the hotel room, he dropped his bags on one bed and flopped down on the other one. He reached for the remote and flicked on the television. He watched TV for a while, and then decided that he had better get ready for the day ahead.

“Stratton, tomorrow you are going to meet that girl” he said out loud.

But that little voice in his head decided to return. Stratton, what are you doing here? You have a girlfriend, one you are thinking about marrying. Why are you in New York looking for a girl that left you years ago? She broke your heart, remember? Think about Abigail. What would she say?

“Shut up!” Stratton yelled again. “I know what I’m doing!”

Stratton decided he was not hungry and went to take a shower. After his shower, which lasted 15 minutes, he finally got out and dried himself off. He donned a pair of sweatpants and made his way to the bed. Outside the bathroom, he passed a mirror. He stopped and looked at himself. Sandy blond close cropped hair and bright blue eyes with an abdomen that was slowly fading away.

“Need to start working out again bud” he said, before flopping down on the bed and flicking out the light.

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