-Beverly's POV-
Today's the day..
Waking up is probably the most difficult thing I have to go through everyday. The worst thing is my stupid fucking alarm, yes I know I was the one who set it, but c'mon on it should know by now not to go off at all. But whatevs, it's last day of school for summer break baby!
I finally get my lazy ass out of bed and open up my curtains to let the sun light in. I brush my teeth, put my hair in a messy yet classy high bun, pick out my outfit out of my walk in wardrobe, denim mini skirt and a black tube top, with my black sandals, go towards my mirror and apply some mascara, perfect.
I run down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, where I see my mother Judy and my little sister Lucy. "Morning mum, morning lucy" Lucy just grunts at me and continues eating her breakfast. "Morning sweetheart, have a good sleep?" Mum asks me, "I did actually, thanks". I sit down on the stool next to Lucy at the kitchen bench, where mum has placed 3 pancakes on a plate with butter, maple syrup and strawberries. "Mmm mum, this looks delicious!"
After breakfast I grab my bag and my keys, make sure Lucy's ready, because mum makes me take her to school now, since I got my license. "Bye mum, see you after school" I yell as I walk out the door, with Lucy trailing behind. Once in the car, we pull out of the drive way, I turn the radio on and 'Wildest Dreams' by Taylor Swift is on, mine and Lucy's favourite song. We blare the volume and start singing. Lucy's is in grade 5 and I'm in grade 12! Last day of school forever, and I have never been so happy.
I dropped Lucy off at school, and drive to the Starbucks down the road from my school. I go to Green Lake High in South Carolina, it's a great school but I'm glad I'm leaving.
I pull into the schools parking lot and I can see my best friend Loreli waiting for me in our usual spot, on a bench at the front of the school under a massive oak tree, peaceful.
As I get out of my car, she sees me and gets up and starts running to me screaming. "Beeeeeeverly! OH MY GOD your finally here" she yells as she jumps into my arms and I catch her. "Hey Loreli, you look great! Now get off me" I laugh, "Girl it's out last day of grade 12, why aren't you more excited?", "Dude I'm super excited!"
And there's that god awful sound.. The school bell for first period..
I turn to Loreli "Let's go babe and rock the last day of school", "Oh yay" she spits back at me. "Don't be like that, remember tonight is Parker Jennings end of the year party!", "Oh my god, I totally forgot" she laughs as I throw arm over her shoulders and we walk into school.
1st and 2nd period - Double Maths.
3rd period - English
4th and 5th period - History
6th period - SportToday is going to be a long day..
So the first chapters up, hope you like it, let me know!
The Girl Code
RomanceYou know the code best-friends have between themselves, to keep each other away from the guy they have dibs on? Does it still accrue when the relationship between her and him is a secret? Read and find out!! ...