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I'm awoken by a loud thud from across the hall.

I groan and look around the room for something to indicate what time it is but once I realise there's nothing not even a fucking window to give me a clue I decide I would get up and find out myself.

I walk out of the room and silently tip toe downstairs hoping to not alert Jack.

As I reach the bottom I look around for a clock but there's none in sight. I looked out the window as I see it's still dark, maybe early morning.

Looking outside makes me want to go for a walk.

It was something I usually did but I know that Jack would kill me if I left this house, that's if something else didn't get to me first.

I stare out the window for a bit longer thinking over all this new information that Jack's given me.

It was obvious that he wasn't going to tell me everything.

I had a right to know why he wanted me here and why I was so supposedly important to him.

I turn around a see a book on the bench that I didn't notice before.

It was black and looked burnt with some strange symbol on the front of it.

I walk over to it and begin to flip through pages in amazement.

It seemed to be a book on supernatural creatures.

I begin reading.

"What are you doing up?" I hear a deep growl.

I instantly jump and turn around to see Jack giving me a stern look.

"Um something woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to um look around." I stutter nervously while I try to hide the book behind my back.

"So you basically decided to snoop.You have no permission to go through my personal things." He snaps as he eyes dart to the book behind my back.

I step away from him as his eyes begin to turn darker.

"Just give me the book." He sighs. I knew he was trying hard not to loose his shit but my curiosity got the best of me.

"What's so important about the book?" I ask.

"The book isn't important but you have no right to read it." He says as he snatches the book off of me and looks at what page I saved.

He looks up and gives me a smirk.

"Why do you want to know about demons?" I could hear a slight hint of amusement in his voice which only made me more irritated.

"If you haven't noticed I basically got attacked by one yesterday and I wanted to know if there was any way I could defend myself against them." And also I wanted to know more about you.

"You don't need to worry about defending yourself because, that's what I'm here for."

Is he serious?

"Yeah but what happens if you're not around Jack, I have a right to know what's coming and you clearly won't tell me."

"Well that's not going to happen because I won't let anything hurt you and I don't tell you things for your own good."

I groan in annoyance. "You're so fucking irritating."

"Well you're not the easiest to deal with either sweetheart."

I flip him off a storming up the stairs while slamming my door.

If my life wasn't at risk at the moment I would have left this creepy house already but unfortunately it was and I'm stuck with some b bitchy demon-angel thing who doesn't want me out of his sight.

(A/N yes I am aware the picture of Gilinsky is blurry but despite that he still the most attractive motherfuckers to walk the earth

Please enjoy this chapter )

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