Vault in Gringotts

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They landed in a small passage infront of Gringotts where a man spotted "Bellatrix" and nodded at her. "Madam Lestrange."

"Good morning."

The man looked at her suspiciouly and walked away.

"Good morning? Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not a dewy-eyed school girl."

"Hey, easy."

"She gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?"

"No, he's right. I was being stupid."

"Okay, let's do it."

Griphook climbed up on Harry's back and "Dragomir" concealed them before walking out and entering Gringotts.

Walking in "Narcissa" and "Bellatrix" stumbeled on their heels but quickly plays it off.

They stopped at the desk where obviously a goblin sat but didn't acknowledge them making "Bellatrix" cough.

But the goblin didn't look up from the paper.

"I wish to enter my vault." She said with crossed arms now.

"Identification?" He answered bored.

"I hardly think that'll be nescessary."

He looked up from his paper now to look at whoever spoke.

"Madam Lestrange." He said and walked away.

"I don't like to be kept waiting."

"They know. They know she's an imposter." Griphook whispered. "They've been warned."

A guard from behind slowly walked up to them with narrowed eyes.

"Harry? What do we do, Harry?" Bree whispered discreetly.

The goblin came back with an another goblin behind him.

"Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?"

"And why should I do that?"

"It's the bank's policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate."

"No. I most certainly do not understand."

"I'm afraid i must insist."

"Imperio." Harry whispered under the cloak now standing next to the goblin.

"Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me."


All of them now rode the carriage down to Bellatrix's vault in a fast speed and had very many turns with the goblin who were imperioused and had no idea what was going on.

"What is that Griphook? Griphook."

They rode through a waterfall where Ron, Bree and Hermione went back to their normal selves.

A little orange lamp came up and started a screeching sound and screaming, they all fell down from the carriage.

"Arresto Momentum." They all stopped just at the last moment and then fell down the last inches.

"Well done, Hermione." Harry said while standing up just like the others.

They looked up and saw the carriage now moving away.

Ron looked at Hermione and Bree. "Oh no, you look like you again."

"The thief's downfall. Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly."

"You don't say."

"Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?"


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"What the devil are all you doing down here? Thieves! You gave up the keys you-"

"Imperio." The goblin went back now to be imperioused.

A roaring sound were heard making them all looking around.

"That doesn't sound good."

They followed a path until they came around a sleeping dragon infront of them. "Bloody hell. That's a Ukrainian Ironbelly."

"Here." Griphook said giving Ron some kind of bell and taking an another to himself.

The dragon woke up and started to screech until Ron and Griphook shaked the bell's. "They've been treined to expect pain when it hears the noise."

"That's barbaric."

"That much for protecting a vault huh?"

They continued to shake the bells until they rounded the dragon over to the vault door.

Griphook made the imperioused goblin to unlock the vault, they opened the door and hurried inside and closed the door which locked itself.

"Lumos." All of them put light at the tip of their wands to see inside the vault.


"Accio Horcrux." Nothing happened.

"You're not trying that one again are you?"

"That kind of magic won't work in here."

"Is it in here Harry, Bree? Can you feel anything?"

Harry nodded and continued to look around.

"I hear this annoying screeching and whispering sound." Bree answered.

They both looked up to a golden cup they spotted on a corner on a shelf.

Hermione accidentaly touched something which started to multiply itself.

"That's it. Up there."

Ron also accidentaly touched something which multiplied itelf too.

"A dragon and Gemino curse. What else is going to happen?" Bree asked irritated.

"Everything you touch will multiply."

"Give me the sword." Harry said to Hermione.

She threw the sword to him and he started to climb up on the multiplying things towards the cup.

"Stop moving!"

Harry reached for the cup at the last moment with the tip of the sword while the others looked up to see if he made it because it was still for a while up there.

Then suddenly he fell down from the pile. "Got it."

Griphook grabbed the cup.

"We had a deal Griphook."

"The cup for the sword."

Harry tossed the sword over to Griphook who threw the cup to Hermione. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out."

He unlocked the door with the Imperioused goblin's hand while the others tried to get away from the pile.

"Stupid goblin." Bree muttered under her breath.

The pile of golden started to fall down from the stairs from Bellatrix's vault, and Griphook shaked the bell to get away from the dragon.

The quartet swam out of the vault and Harry pulling a very much struggling Bree out with him. "Griphook!"

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