mbti in the kitchen

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INFJ & ENTP: *watching conspiracy theory videos in the corner*

*ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, ISFP and ENTJ in the kitchen cooking*

ENFP: what are you guys makin-

ENTJ: get away from the fucking kitchen, you know you're banned.

ENFP: ...whatt??? noooo....

ESFP: *comes down stairs with ESTP* Yeah ENFP, remember the time that you almost killed us all because you wanted to make noodles at 3am to be like the mukbanger you were watching?

ENFP: what? no! i didn't do that-

ESTP: Oh! and remember the time that you almost burned down the kitchen while making cookies, because you forgot they were in the oven, and they ended up becoming as black as INFJ's heart?

INFJ: *looks up from screen and proceeds to hide even further into their blanket, and continues to watch conspiracy theories with ENTP*

INFP: That was mean..

ISTJ: OH! and remember when you almost blew up the microwave by putting your homemade nachos in a CHIP PACKET in the microwave?

ESFJ, ISFJ, ENFJ, ISFP and ENTJ all bursting out laughing.

*INTP shaking her head in disappointment*

ENFJ: I remember that. *laughs*

ENFP: I don't know what you all are talking abou-

ENTP: *calls out from the other side of the room with INFJ* and that time when ENFP was making pasta and she ended up flooding the kitchen with boiling pasta water!

ESFP: *looks bewildered and confused*

INTP: I also recall ENFP baking a cake with ISTP and I at 1am, and they wanted to put gummy worms in the cake.. Let's just say that the oven became a slimy haven for those gummy worms.

ISTP: *laughs hysterically* I REMEMBER THAT!!

ENTJ and ESFJ: you did WHAT?!

ENFP: i suddenly feel attacked and have the urge to leave..

ENFP: *shuffles over to INFJ & ENTP and watches conspiracy theories with them*

INFJ, ENTP and ENFP have a full on theoretical conversation.

ENTJ: ENFP is an idiot sometime-

ESFJ: HEY! don't be mean.

ENTJ: that's my middle name sweetheart, whaddya want out of me?

ESFJ: ...fair point.

*INTJ listening to music in the corner, vibing*

*ENFP joins INTJ*

ENFP: can i have one? *points to earbud*

INTJ: *apathetically nods and gives ENFP one of the earbuds, secretly enjoys her company*

*INTJ and ENFP vibe*

INFP, ISFJ, ESFJ and ENFJ all continue talking while cooking.

ESFJ: we need to get INFJ & ENTP off that damn phone. those conspiracy theories are going to be the death of them.

ENFJ: yeah, it's kinda concerning

*all staring at INFJ & ENTP*

ENTP: *stares back* what do you want, assholes?

INFJ: *continues to watch*

ISFJ & ESFJ: *sigh*

INFP: they're a very cute couple.

ESFJ: agreed-

ENFJ: let's go to our rooms while the food is cooking.


ENTJ gives up on his friends and goes to his bedroom to sleep.


Bedroom buddies: (Best Friends):

Bedroom 1: INTP & ESFJ

Bedroom 2: INFJ & ENTP

Bedroom 3: ESFP & ESTP

Bedroom 4: INFP & ISFJ

Bedroom 5: INTJ & ENFP

Bedroom 6: ENTJ & ISTJ

Bedroom 7: ESTJ & ENFJ

Bedroom 8: ISTP & ISFP


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