Chapter 21

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I leave Meg in the library and trudge back down the servant's staircase towards the third floor. The Palace has begun to come to life and the odd servant scurries by, their arms laden with linen and trays. I smile half-heartedly at the people I pass as I make my way to my room in somewhat of a daze.

I bathe and dress quickly, grateful to wash the desert and the run from my skin. I am just pulling a shirt over my head when there is a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I call, turning around as Sera pokes her head through the doorway. She smiles warmly and enters the room, a pile of mended clothes balanced carefully in one hand and a hot coffee in the other.

"Thanks, Sera." I accept the drink gratefully and gesture for her to take a seat. Instead she stays rooted in place, taking in my appearance and making a low tutting sound in her throat. Wordlessly she selects a green tunic from the pile of mended clothes and holds it out to me expectantly.

"I understand that you have diplomatic matters to take care of today." She takes the coffee back and indicates that I should change. I sigh, obediently removing my plain tunic and replacing it with the green one.

"Really? No argument?" Sera takes a sip of my coffee and arches a brow at me. "Is everything all right?"

I sink down onto the bed. "I didn't get much sleep last night."

"You so rarely do." Her dark eyes are concerned. "Another nightmare?"

I nearly scoff. If only it were as simple as a bad dream. "Something like that."

"If it's any consolation I don't think that anyone is very well-rested today. Having Wasters in our midst has put everyone in the Palace a bit on-edge."

"We don't have anything to fear from them." I tell her. "They are interested in peace, same as us."

"There's a hole in the wall that says otherwise." She replies, tilting her head at me. "But I'm sure they had their reasons."

I snort into my coffee. "That's terrible." I don't bother hiding my smile as I wipe my chin.

She winks mischievously. "But look, I made you laugh."

"Excuse me, I am a highly-respected ambassador with important political duties to attend to. Laughing at such childish jokes is beneath me." I put on my most haughty voice and a droll expression. "How dare you suggest otherwise."

"Forgive me, your supremacy, but you've spilled your drink all over your freshly-washed ceremonial robes." She retorts with mock-annoyance.

"Oh. Shit." I look down and back up, giving her a sheepish grin. "This is why I can't have nice things."

She smirks and moves to find me another outfit. "How you ever managed to pass yourself off as a lady is beyond me."

"The same could be said of you tricking us into believing that you are a timid housemaid." I down the rest of my coffee before stripping off the stained tunic and taking a new one from Sera's hands.

"Then I suppose we should both count ourselves lucky to be stuck with one another." She scoops up my discarded cup and rubs at the marking it has left on the surface of the table. "Your lack of grace keeps me employed..."

"And your cheek keeps me from getting too big for my britches?" I finish for her.

"Precisely. Now, if you are done creating laundry for me to do, your presence is requested in the Hall for breakfast."

"Is..." I bite my lip. "Do you know if Will is there?"

She regards me for a moment before answering. "I believe he has been called away for training."

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