In a universe where rebirth is as unavoidable as death, to be ripped away from the circle of life and forced to live in limbo is a fate that no soul would wish ever to befall itself. Yet, that is the story of Raxyas. His is one of the many souls con...
It was a new day. Raxyas had just arrived at the fortress with Naizk and Ilka.
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Together, they carried the vessels inside. As they entered the fortress, they were greeted by Tentoria.
Tentoria: Welcome back, you three. Brought a nice haul?
Ilka was surprised to see her up already.
Ilka: What are you doing outside your room, Tentoria? Shouldn't you be resting still?
Tentoria shakes her head.
Tentoria: I was feeling better, so I decided to come outside and help Okir with the patrols. He said he had some urgent matters to attend to and... He left with someone who seemed like a child?
Ilka stopped walking. He looked at Tentoria dead in the eyes.
Ilka: ... A child?
Naizk: Shit...
Ilka: Naizk, check the boy's room. Now. Leave that vessel there.
Naizk drops the vessel he was carrying and runs over to the boy's room.
Tentoria: Is something the matter, Ilka?
Ilkatorza was rather nervous.
Ilka: Probably not. Still, it is unlike Okir to do such things without speaking with me first. And where is the other girl? Raxyas' partner?
Tentoria: Last I checked, she was still locked in her room. She must have really taken a beating...
From one of the corridors comes Bazren. She seemed groggy, as if she had just awakened from a long rest.
Bazren: I'm here, I'm here... Sorry I was out for so long. I heard some noise and figured you'd be back. Need some help carrying those?
Ilka: Did you hear anything from Okir? Did he say anything to you?
Bazren pondered for a second.
Bazren: Okir? Last we spoke we were all in the throne room, and he was going to be patrolling the fortress... I haven't heard from him since.
Ilka grew more nervous.
Ilka: Alright. Yes, if you don't mind, could the three of you carry the vessels inside? I'll check on Naizk.
Ilka hands the vessel in his arms to Raxyas, and goes to Naizk. In the meantime, the three undead carry the rest of the vessels.
Raxyas (hushed): I heard your communications Bazren... Did you seriously take two members out by yourself? Are you mad?!
Bazren (hushed): I was left with no choice! The three question marks in the blueprint... It was another member's room.
Tentoria (hushed): I'm sorry, that was my fault. I should have been more careful... As soon as I woke up, Bazren told me everything. We did our best to cover our tracks, and make it seem like Okir and that other member, Neio, simply disappeared. Our story is that Okir left the fortress with the child, without saying much about it. All we can frankly hope for is that Ilka buys it...
Raxyas (hushed): You better hope he does... I've seen him do battle. We don't stand a chance. Not even you, Tentoria.
The two of them looked at Raxyas with wide, open eyes. Ilka was clearly more powerful than anything they had yet faced. As they were finishing up carrying the vessels inside, Naizk and Ilka joined them.
Ilka: Listen to me, the three of you. I don't know where Okir went, but wherever he is we must find him. Me and Naizk will use the vehicle to survey the usual training places nearby. We'd like Tentoria to come with us. She knows No Man's Land like nobody else, so there's a good chance we can find them faster with her. As for the two of you, you should make your way to Ragma, and assist Nu. She has been our supplier of forbidden boxes and has been a great help to our cause, although she herself refuses to lend her power to us unless we send fighters capable enough to help her retrieve an especially dangerous box.
The three of them nod.
Ilka: Alright. Tentoria, make sure to join us as soon as you're finished here. Now, if you'll excuse us...
Ilka leaves with Naizk.
Bazren: I hope the master can piece together the information we gathered quickly... Hopefully, this will be the last time we have to step foot in this place. Next time we see Incola, it could very well be as full-fledged enemies...
Tentoria seemed sad after hearing this. Raxyas noticed it.
Raxyas: Back then, you said that the memories that were revealed to you were damning enough to warrant the destruction of Incola. What exactly did you see...?
Tentoria hesitates slightly before answering.
Tentoria: ... They weren't the first to try to open this portal... It has all happened before. Hundreds of years ago, a vile group of undead managed to open a small portal back to the world of the living, but at the cost of the lives of the people of an entire citadel... These are some of the undead who wrote the boxes that Incola is following. Ilka knows what will happen if they keep following in their footsteps... But still, he's willing to go through with it. Even if it costs the destruction of a good portion of Mortmundus and its inhabitants, it will not stop him from achieving his goal.
Raxyas and Bazren were shocked to learn this.
Bazren: But that's horrible...
Raxyas: Look, Tentoria... I know you believe that only they can help you. But with the complete knowledge inside these boxes, we can turn the tables. Soon enough, you won't need Incola for anything. And, if my gut is right, all they know is inside those boxes. So before you know it, you will be free from their clutches. I wholeheartedly believe so.
Tentoria's eyes filled with hope. Raxyas' words lifted her spirits immediately.
Tentoria: I hope you're right... I really do.
Then, her tone shifts. She was serious, all of a sudden.
Tentoria: Before you head for Ragma, there is something else I must tell you. Ever since I remember, I've had these horrible memories... Of a massacre inside some unknown citadel, where the inhabitants themselves were converted into mindless, hulking monsters. I suspect these memories were kept inside some watcher that must have died long ago, even before I came along... And it all seems to have taken place in some underground citadel. I don't want to alarm you, but chances are this citadel that you are heading to, and that has been claiming the lives of so many soldiers, is the very same one where that tragedy took place... Those monsters could still be around.
Raxyas: So... That means Xayn is probably...
Tentoria: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that! Maybe these monsters aren't as tough as they look... But, be careful. Please.
Raxyas was deeply concerned. The thought of losing his friend, without so much as a goodbye, and after all they had been through... He didn't want things to end that way.
Bazren: Alright, chin up both of you! We're as strong as we've ever been, and we'll be working together. There isn't an infinity of monsters inside that citadel, right Tentoria?
Tentoria: No, no... It's nothing like what we saw here yesterday. Compared to that, there are very few monsters.
Bazren: Perfect! Then we'll tag team them one by one, they won't stand a chance. Raxyas, do you truly believe they are more powerful than Xi?
Her words made him think. No matter how fearsome, certainly they couldn't be a larger threat than a master channeler. And, if that was the case, with enough care and cleverness they would surely be able to take them down.
Bazren: Now, moping around will do us no good. We'll get there and do our best. That's all we have to focus on.
Raxyas: Right. We'll find him, and together we'll take down Incola. Then, we'll take down the Thirteen. And then, we'll find the answers Tentoria is seeking. With Xayn by our side and the knowledge we will gain from Incola's forbidden boxes, there is no way they can stop us. Especially now that their forces have taken such a hit.
Raxyas was adamant about this. However, this wasn't the same over-confidence he emanated when he was brought back to Mortmundus. This confidence came from absolute trust in the comrades that were by his side.
Raxyas: There is no way we will fail. We would have nobody but ourselves to blame for it. Master Qu's knowledge, the boxes we got, paired with our combined strength... And this opportunity that we were given, this exposed wound on Incola's side. We could not ask for much more than this. If victory was ever an option, then it was never a more likely one than it is now. We just have to keep doing as we have, without dropping our guards and without underestimating the challenges ahead of us. If we do that, I am sure we will accomplish our goals. We will protect Mortmundus and find the answers we seek. Together.
His words fanned the flames inside Bazren and Tentoria. They too believed it was possible. They were willing to do whatever it took to see it through, come hell or high water. If they were to fail, they would do so with a smile on their face, knowing that they had done everything in their power to fight for the causes they believed in.
Bazren: We're getting this done. Enough chatter! Let's get to Ragma already and rescue Xayn.
Tentoria: I will carry your words with me, Raxyas. Together, we will prevail. I wish you two the best of luck. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help from the inside, I will do my best to always be listening.
Raxyas knew she couldn't do anything... Not without the communicator. But, he could not risk saying anything, lest the curse could punish him greatly and ruin their plans. All he could do was hope that everything went well.
Raxyas: Thank you, Tentoria. Bazren, let's be on our way.
The duo make their way to Ragma, to overcome what is shaping up to be the hardest challenge they have yet faced.