17 | seventeen

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Ace Black

It's been a month and a half since Mel left for her cottage trip. She came back home yesterday, two weeks before school starts. Her mom and Dimitri wanted to make sure both she and Isaiah had everything they needed for school, so they came back home earlier than expected. When Mel told me the news, I was excited and wanted to see her right away, but she said she was super tired and didn't want me to come over because she was most likely going to fall asleep if/when I showed up. So we decided to meet up today.

I waited a month and a half, what's another day? Apparently, agony. Knowing that Mel was 20 minutes away from me and I couldn't go see her, drove me insane. I missed her a lot this summer and I'm hoping she missed me too. I think it's weird how much I missed her. Almost everything reminded me of her which made me text and call her a lot. I felt like I was being clingy, but she didn't seem to mind.

I literally didn't go to bed until four in the morning. I somehow managed to wake up at 9:45 and was ready to leave at 9:51. I drove to the café and arrived there earlier than Mel. She told me to order and that the bus came later than she expected. I volunteered to pick her up, but she refused to take up my offer. I looked up from the table and smiled.

"Hi!" Mel exclaimed, sitting down. "Sorry, I'm late. The bus was late. Then there was a guy back there who asked to pet Percy."

"Look at you talking and stuff," I smiled.

"I know, right! You and Percy helped me a lot," Mel nodded.

"How did I help you? I haven't seen you in more than a month," I asked.

"Well, people normally don't call me. And you called me a lot. Which helped," She explained.

"I'm glad I helped," I chuckled.

Mel sighed and placed both her hands on top of mine, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Precious," I smiled, bringing her hands up to my face, and kissing them.

She giggled, "How was your summer?"

"Boring," I grumbled. "Except for the time when a squirrel tried to kill Jay."

"What?" She laughed. "How did that happen?"

"He was throwing acorns at it, and even though both River and I told him to stop. He kept doing it, which made it mad because in its nest were some baby squirrels," I sighed.

"Never make a mama squirrel mad," Mel shook her head.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed. "What about you?"

"It was fun! There were a lot of bugs, though," Mel mumbled. "AND my aunt came up unexpectedly, so I had to spend a weekend with my cousins."

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked.

"Eh," Mel shrugged. "They liked Percy, but they got mad when I explained that they couldn't touch him. And I also think Faith has a crush on you, now."

"How does she even know me?"

"She saw your name on my wrist. Then she asked if she could see a pic of you. Then when I was texting you, she would ask me a bunch of questions about you. And I would also have to lock my door if I was on the phone with you. Well, also because Dominic and Mason kept barging into my room and woofing like dogs."

"I don't like your cousins-"

"I think they're annoying," Mel shrugged. "But they're still family."

"Yeah, but they're kinda mean to you," I sighed.

"Yeah, but I don't get along with a lot of people my age," Mel retorted.

"True," I nodded. "Anyway, enough about your evil cousins. Let's go for a walk."

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"Okay," Mel smiled.

I stood up, pushed my chair in, and offered Mel my hand. She grabbed Percy's leash, then my hand, and stood up. We walked around the plaza for a bit, stopping at EB games because I wanted to buy Mario Golf Super Rush. To which I found out THAT MEL DOESN'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN yOu DoN't PlAy ViDeO gAmEs?!" I yelled.





"THAT'S THE POINT," Mel grumbled.

"THAT'S IT!" I grabbed Mel's hand and dragged her to my car. "WE'RE GOING TO MY HOUSE AND YOU'RE PLAYING MARIO KART 8 WITH ME!"

"I don't wanna," Mel whined, putting Percy in the back.

"Too bad," I stuck my tongue out at her as she got in the passenger's seat. She stuck her tongue out at me when I got in the driver's seat. I winked at her seductively, knowing it would make her blush, and it did. She mumbled something under her breath, then poked me in my shoulder as I drove off.

The car ride was quiet (besides the sound of Percy breathing with his head out the window and the radio that was playing quietly), which didn't bother me because me and Mel always sat in quietness. I would glance over at her every now and then, which I always do when she's in the car with me because the way her green eyes admired everything as we went by was a priceless view. When she caught me staring at her, she would stick her tongue out, which would make her nose scrunch up, and make her ten times cuter than she already is.

I swear if she asked me to buy her a Lamborghini, Chanel bag, Gucci shoes, and the newest iPhone, I would gladly do so if she stuck her tongue out at me. I would be overjoyed if I was Mel's Sugar Daddy. Actually, Mel would be pretty lucky because all she has to do is smile and I'd buy her anything she wants.

"......Do you know you're talking out loud-" Mel mumbled, as her face turned red.

"...........................Let's ignore that," I coughed.

"You have weird thoughts," Mel snorted. I didn't know how to respond to that. "You like my green eyes?" Mel smiled, twirling one of her fallen hair strands in her finger.

"Correction, I love your green eyes. I also love your curly hair, your rosy cheeks, your tiny nose, your luscious lips, THAT HAVE A BRUISE ON THEM FROM YOU BITING YOUR LIPS. STOP DOING THAT," I exclaimed while Mel blushed and bit down harder on her lip.

"Stop saying nice things about me," Mel sighed.

"No thanks," I smiled brightly. "Look, we're here!"

Mel rolled her eyes playfully at me. After I parked the car and Mel and Percy hopped out, I cupped her face and gently placed my lips against hers. She sighed afterward, then quickly walked away when she realized my dad was mowing the lawn, even though he hadn't noticed we even drove in. I said hi to my dad, then walked inside to see my mom and sister talking to Mel.

"Oh god, what are you telling her?" I sighed.

"Just that you beg to be the princess when we used to play dress-up," Brianne smirked.

"I have pictures! He looks so cute!" My mom beamed.

"I don't think Mel wants to see those," I said quickly, grabbing Mel's hand, and leading her towards the living room.

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