S1 Chapter 6: Techno Teacher

Start from the beginning

Tails: You know what I've noticed?

Y/n: What?

Tails: You talk about your dad a lot, but you've never said a single word about your mom.

Chuck: Yeah, Tails is right.

Tails: Did something happen between you and your mom or something?

Y/n just made an emotionless face.

Y/n: I'm going out for a run. Make sure you bandage up Amy's arm.

He ran out of there.

Tails: I guess it's so personal he doesn't want to talk about it.

Chuck: He certainly is a mysterious Hedgehog.

Sonic was laying on the roof and saw Y/n running out and look at the sky.

At Chris's school.

The class was trying to do a math problem while Mr. Stewart was sleeping.

Overall Girl: So, what do you think it is?

Green jacket kid: I don't know.

Chris: That doesn't even make sense.

Overall girl: I don't even know where to start.

Child: I'm lost.

Chris: Should we wake him up?

Green jacket kid: No, don't.

Overall girl: Then he'll put us to sleep.

Y/n was outside watching everything but no one noticed him.

Y/n: So, this is what a classroom is like?

Suddenly, a robot with a teacher's hat and wheels came in.

Teacher Robot: My, my, what an intelligent-looking class!

All: Huh?

Y/n: Looks like I better get into action!

He was going to run in but he stopped to think.

Y/n: But if I go in someone will spot me.

Teaching robot: Oh, perhaps I've arrived during nap time.

Mr. Stewart: Huh? Uh, I'm sorry. What are you?

Teacher robot: Hmm. I'll give you three guesses, young man.

Mr. Stewart: You're a robot?

Robot teacher: A robot teacher.

It's eyes turned red.

Robot teacher: Hmm. Goodbye. I'm taking over.

Mr. Stewart: You are?

Robot teacher: I am.

Mr. Stewart: How's that?

The robot teacher threw mr. Stewart out of the classroom.

Y/n: Maybe I should just let it be, the robot doesn't seem dangerous, and if I'm being honest I think it will teach these kids more than that guy ever would.


The kids were outside playing baseball and Y/n watched from a distance.

Y/n: That bat would be good for bashing someone's brain in.

He saw Mr. Stewart getting chased by a police officer.

Police Officer: Drop the sandwich, scumbo.

Y/n: That idiot should have just accepted he was beaten.

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