S3 Chapter 5: Chilling Discovery

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The grew was flying through space in the Blue Typhoon.

Chris: My new program will let us detect a Chaos Emerald anywhere in the galaxy no matter how far away it may be.

A small compartment opened up in Chris's control panel.

Chris: All right, Sonic. What do you say we try it out?

Sonic: Sure thing.

Sonic gave Chris the Chaos Emerald.

Chris: Okay.

Chris put the Emerald in the compartment.

Tails: Now we just connected to the main interface it we'll be on our way.

The map showed in front of the ship.

Tails: Knuckles, everything okay?

Knuckles was in the engine room looking after the Master Emerald.

Knuckles: So far so good.

Tails: Whoa!

Knuckles: What's up? You got something?

Tails: Yeah, I'm detecting a response already.

The beeping showed a spot on the map picked up the next Emerald.

Cosmo: It's thanks to you, Chris.

Helen: Excellent work, babe.

Chris: It's no big deal really.

Tails: Sure it's a big deal! I've built lots of neat stuff, but I couldn't have come up with something this good over night.

Y/n: There is no need to so modest, dear friend.

Chris: Come on, guys. You're embarrassing me.

Tails: Amy, what's the location?

Amy: the signals coming from a place called "Plant Breezy."

Tails: That sounds cool. Okay, Planet Breezy, here we come.

Amy: We're on our way.

Tails: Engage Warpfield driver!

A ring shout out from the front of the Blue Typhoon.

Tails: Warpfield ready! Let's go!

They went through the ring and disappeared in a flash of light.

The Blue Typhoon appeared right in front of Planet Breezy.

Amy: There it is, guys. Straight ahead, but it looks like rough weather. The whole planet's in the middle of a terrible snow storm.

Cosmo: Maybe the Metarex have taken its Planet egg away.

Tails: That would explain the weird weather they're having.

Tails pulled up what's happening on the planet, showing a frozen tree.

Cosmo: Everything looks so cold and lonely.

Star: (shivering) I hate the cold. It's not the time of the year for plants.

Chris: Even so, we have to go down there look for the Emerald. Ready, Sonic?

Sonic: Sure, let's go.

Y/n: Time to see if that bit of training paid off, Helen.

Helen: I hope that little bit was enough for now.

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They went down, but the harsh wind made it hard to stay steady and then the ship began to shake.

Amy: What is that thing, Chris?!

Chris: It's a Metarex.

Spark: Let me deal with it.

Y/n: Uncle, are you sure?

Spark: (smirk) I need a bit of action, too.

Spark went out to see a dinosaur like Metarex with a spiked ball at the end of its tail.

Spark: Lightning Long Spear!

Spark launch a really long Spear of lightning from his hand, piercing and destroying the Metarex, but not before it could fire a missile at the engine making them go down.

Chaos: Master Spark, hang on!

Chaos shot his arm at Spark, grabbed him and pulled him inside.

Spark: Thank you, Chaos. I am very greatful.

Tails: Hang on, guys! I'm gonna have to bring it in for a landing!

Tails made a really harsh landing in the snow.

Tails: Knuckles, do we have any damage?

Knuckles: I'm afraid so. Looks like engines one and three have been hit. We'll have to fix them, or will never get off the ground.

Tails: Oh, great.

Star: Man, I hate having to go out into the cold.

Helen: Don't worry, Star. I have a spare jacket you can use.

They all stepped out of the Blue Typhoon with Chris wearing a blue jacket, and both Star and Helen wearing pink ones.

Sonic: Let's get this snow on the road.

Y/n smaked him in the head.

Sonic: Ow. Couldn't wait to do that, could you?

Y/n: You know my type of people, Faker.

Sonic jumped in the snow.

Chris It might be...

Sonic sunk into the snow.

Chris: Deep. Don't worry, I packed some new snowshoes.

Sonic: Got any earmuffs?

Y/n saw Star still shivering a little and took off his scarf to wrap around her neck.

Y/n: Take my scarf for a bit. I've trained to handle cold temperatures for an hour.

Star felt her face heat up to the point it couldn't even freeze.

Star: (blushing) Uh, thank you.

Cream: Big sis Star, take this before you go!

She gave Star a drinking container.

Cream: I've noticed you don't like the cold, so I made you some hot coco.

Star: Thank you, Cream.

Star made a vine around herself to carry the container.


Sonic, Knuckles, Chris, Helen, Cosmo, Star, Y/n and Chaos were in front of some frozen trees that the two Seedrians put their ears to.

Knuckles: What are you two doing?

Cosmo: We're trying to listen.

Sonic: Trying to listen to what?

Star: This is another Seedrian power. We can listen to any form of plants life-force, but only if that plant is still alive.

They two listened but heard nothing.

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