S1 Chapter 6: Techno Teacher

Start from the beginning

Y/n ran back to the Thorndyke house and when he got there he saw Mr. Tanaka.

Y/n: Better hide.

He hide behind a wall.

Y/n: (Thinking: How do I get out of here? Should I kill him? No, it'll bring up too much attention.)

???: Excuse me.

He turned and saw Mr. Tanaka.

Y/n: Looks like I have to kill you now to make sure you don't give away my location to the enemy.

Mr. Tanaka held his hand in front of him.

Mr. Tanaka: No, I will not tell anybody where you or your friends are.

Y/n: They are not my friends, and how long have you even known I was here?

Mr. Tanaka: Longer than Master Chris.

Y/n: (sigh) Just don't tell anyone, or I'll rip your throat out.

Mr. Tanaka: Noted. I am Mr. Tanaka by the way, Mr?

Y/n: Y/n.

They both saw a helicopter getting close to the house.

Y/n: Is that Christopher's cat fearing Father and self-centered Mother?

Mr. Tanaka: Yes. You better get inside.

Y/n nodded and quickly got into the Attic.

Tails: Where'd you go.

Y/n: Does that matter?

Amy: Don't give us that!

Y/n: Ah, I see you're awake.

Amy: No thanks to you!

Y/n: It's not my fault your bones are as weak as tissue paper.

They all looked out the window and saw Chris's patients with Chuck.

Chris's Dad: Good to see ya, Dad.

Chris's Mom: Hello, Father. How is everything going at home?

Chuck: Wonderfully well now that you two are here.

Chris's Dad: When does Chris get home from school?

Tails: Chris's dad seems like a nice guy.

Amy: His mom is really pretty.

Y/n: Hopefully his father doesn't hate cats anymore and his mother is less self-centered.

Sonic: You're going to hold that over them forever, aren't you?

Y/n: You know, Sonic, you might smarter than I thought.

Back at Chris's school.

They were still playing baseball and when the Green Jacket kid hit the ball it looks like it was going to go out until the robot teacher caught it.

Chris: That's the greatest catch ever.

Overalls girl: Whoa, he's cool.

Robot teacher: Well, well, well. It seems the old retro thrusters aren't as rusty as I thought. (Laugh) Reminds me of my early days on the cricket field when I was a little bigger than a laptop.

A little black robot flew down to him.

Little robot: Message for you.

Robot teacher: Huh? Bokkun.

Bokkun: Doctor Eggman has a message for you.

Robot teacher: Hmm? A message?

Bokkun: How'd you like to visit the junkyard?!

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