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I want to escape

I was taught to escape

Run, run away,

Run away into the pulsing night.

Run until my breath pants,

Run until my legs beg.

Run until my mind is lost,

Run until my soul is wild.

Sincere condolence,


Won't heal loss' wounds.

Escape, fair gazelle.


I'm the prey,

The hunters trail down my scent, so

Erase all traces of my life I'll do.

Escape and erase.

Break into a wild race,

Far away from the pain.

Run to the rain.

It won't kill the pain,

Or solve the problems.

They'll run too.

They'll catch up.

The battle is lost,

Running is not necessary.

I'll fade to exhaustion, but pain and problems

Run after me without panting once.

Poems of Pain and SolitudeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum