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Two weeks has passed, gulf and mews relationship is getting better. Today it's was a day off for both gulf and mew,so mew decided to prepare breakfast while gulf was playing with hrvy in his playing room. After a while

Mew: Gulffff......hrvy....... breakfast is ready mew called from the kitchen,but no respons
Gulffff.....again called....... were are these two devil's
Gulf: We are playing mommy...!! he yelled from the room
Mew: Were are you both!!!??? Come and have breakfast,it's already many times I said eat on time...I'm tired of these two
Again no response...
Gulfff'....again called

They are in the playing room sir' one of the maid informed mew
Mew: oh...thank you, you may go now i already prepared breakfast
After saying that mew walked towards the playing room with a angry face like he is going to eat gulf alive.He reached infront of the room and opened the door


Mew screamed while shutting his eyes,while gulf run towards mew
Gulf: What happened baby
Mew opened his eyes and saw gulf

Mew screamed while shutting his eyes,while gulf run towards mewGulf: What happened babyMew opened his eyes and saw gulf

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Mew: w-What happened to your face..!!
Gulf: oh...this...your son did to me...that's why you screamed
Mew: you look like an alien now!
Gulf: don't blame me...

Mew looked both hrvy and gulf but hrvy has no plan to get up from there as he is so immersed with his toys,he took hrvy while whined in mews arm to play again

Mew: Stop trying...I'm not going to let you play before you eat, he scolded hrvy
Hrvy pouted and started to show his sulk face
Mew: don't sulk nahh...after eating we can play,mew tickled hrvy
Gulf was looking both his wife and son
Mew: And you.... (pointing gulf) wash your face and be on the table
Gulf: okay wifey

After eating their breakfast,gulf was working on his laptop on the living room while mew was with hrvy in the room,then suddenly someone knocked their main door causing gulf shut the laptop and opened the door

Gulf: Truc...! w-What are you doing here
Truc was standing infront of gulf looking directly into gulfs eyes
Truc: Are you married?
Gulf: what you want Truc?
Truc: Answer meee!!!
Gulf: yes,I'm
Truc: No's can't be
Truc pushed gulf inside the house and she also got inside

Truc: Gulf...i know you love me...but why that marriage!?
Gulf: what the hell are you talking about!?
Truc: what I'm don't know!?? about Us!
Gulf: There is no Us truc...
Truc: are lying,it's because of that God damn kid...i can understand it was a mistake,you married him for that right..I'm ready to wait until you divorce him...I love you gulf,more than
anything...and i know you also love me
Gulf: I don't love you and get out of here and stop saying nonsense!!
Truc: you don't need to are mine only mine

After saying that truc smashed their lips and started to suck gulf lips,while gulf was pushing her. Unfortunately mew who was going to the kitchen saw all these drama,while his heart was broken again...he was standing still there infront of them,his eyes were becoming teary after what truc said about him and hrvy... He feels like he is not deserved to be loved, after gulf comming back to his life he was happy...but this all reminds him gulf and him are nothing... making his heart broken again
Gulf saw mew standing infront of them,he pushed truc harder as she fell on the couch

When Love Lasts  💝 GULFMEW(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now