20 | Clumsiness

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"I'm screwed, I'm so screwed," Thunderstorm immediately took over and left Nezuko in front of their house after he realized the keyhouse wasn't with them.

Nezuko blankly blinked her eyes at Thunderstorm who just poofed like that. She started to shrink herself, jumped on the roof. She remembered that she lowkey forgot to lock her window in this morning before they left.

She went to the unlocked window and it was indeed didn't lock by her. She easily slid up the window, went into her room and locked the window. Now she had to do was messaging Thunderstorm that she already entered the house.

"Hope Mr. Aizawa didn't get mad at me for this," Thunderstorm gulped as soon as he arrived in front of his school. He glad that he was still in his school uniform.

Thunderstorm zoomed into his school without hesitation. He found his class, as fast as lightning, immediately appeared in front of his class.

"Mr. Aizawa! I lost our keyhouse!" Thunderstorm as soon as he slammed the door open, there was a little red electricity dancing around him.

He panted for the air. He didn't care that all of his classmates looking him weirdly, probably his sudden appearance as he was supposed to send Nezuko back home. He looked up, found Aizawa gave him judging face.

"THUNDERSTORM! You're neither in your original, Blaze nor Ice's form!" Todoroki suddenly stood up, exclaimed in panicked.

"Oh yeah? What about... it?" oh gosh, he screwed for the second time. He immediately facepalmed and summoned his Thunder Blade while groaning.

"Thunderstorm, don't burn this school down," Aizawa glared at him as soon as he summoned his weapon.

"Yeah and hey, Thunderstorm, I really don't know what happened but you just revealed yourself," Todoroki sat down and clapped his hands in the air with his straight face.

"Eh, Todoroki? What happened?" some of them started questioning.

"..." Thunderstorm used his scary bloody red eyes glared at them, made them immediately zipped their mouth. This was not the Boboiboy they actually knew.

"Let me just explain about your quirk to them later. We can't keep this forever," Aizawa sighed and gave him the another spare keyhouse to him.

"Yeah, you should know that. It's never late, just like you convinced me to use my left side," Todoroki joined Aizawa.

"... Fine... I will head off now,"  Thunderstorm went to Aizawa, took the key and immediately poofed from there, left some red electricity around.

"Is this red electricity just came from Boboiboy himself just now, another hidden quirk?" Kaminari was the first one to ask as he couldn't believe what his eyes just saw, as an electrokinesis user.

"Yes. That is Thunderstorm, the second strongest among his 7 elementals in second tier," Aizawa clarified.

"Huh, it's true that Solar is the strongest then?" Todoroki blurted out, made all of them turned their head to him.

"Yes, I already checked all of their abilities. Thunderstorm is indeed so close to be as strong as Solar. They both just lack at defense," Aizawa explained.

"Mr. Aizawa... I don't think we even know what topic are we on," Jirou raised her hand.

"I'm about to reveal Boboiboy's actual quirk. I already informed about this to the teachers and the principal after Ice's appearance earlier. If you're interested in knowing about his actual quirk, then pay attention," Aizawa inhaled and started.

"EH?!" all of them, except Todoroki himself, exclaimed in a great suprise.

They couldn't believe this. Boboboiy actually was the strongest student among them. Both of them had the most rarest and powerful quirks ever. As expected from recommended students!

"I can't wait to meet Thunderstorm again!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Blaze and Ice's fusion is called Frostfire, right?"

"Yeah dude! He's so manly and strong!"

"Ultimate ability..."

"Those bastards, he's actually underestimating me," Bakugo raged on his seat.

There was typical Midoriya, wrote down everything about Boboiboy after learning the truth in his hero notebook.

"Ahem, class dismissed. You can talk about him the day after the break. Rest well," Aizawa sighed and left the class.

"I'm back?" Thunderstorm looked around, confused as Nezuko was not in front of the door.

He just remembered he felt his phone vibrated earlier. He decided to check, a message from Nezuko. Boboiboy reverted back and groaned as he went unlucky in last minutes for the second time today. He didn't blame her entirely though.

He opened to door, Nezuko immediately greeted him.

"Nezuko, I already exposed himself as Thunderstorm earlier," Boboiboy just wanted to lie down and let his tear out.

Nezuko just chuckled at him and pushed him to the sofa in the living room as he was tired. She immediately went to her room and rested.

"What a day..." Boboiboy just let his fatigue taking over and dozed off.

There was Iida, finally arrived at Hosu General Hospital, checking on his brother.

Endeavour was right in front of Todoroki as soon as he arrived. He decided to ignore him as he was tired.

"I want you to help me with something first," Endeavour stopped his son. Todoroki just glanced at him, knitting one of his eyebrows.

"Convince that friend of yours, Boboiboy to participate in interships of my agency. I offered him. I want to see how strong he is in person," Endeavour continued.

Todoroki had his eyes slightly opened wide as his father actually took interested in Boboiboy for all of the sudden. He took out his phone, messaged Boboiboy and looked at his father.

"Well?" Endeavour waited.

"Oh, he said he would love to accept your offer but he wanted to check out another offers too. He needs to reconsider about it," Todoroki looked back to his phone as Boboiboy just replied him.

"Alright, just want you to have a company," Endeavour went inside.

Todoroki could only sigh as he didn't know what his father was up to again but decided to brushed it off. He's too tired for this.

It was a great weekend for Boboiboy. The people greeted him as soon as they recognised him as the winner of the U.A. Sports Festival for this year. He decided to go out whenever he split. It was only Quake who would go out.

The reason Quake only went out because some troublesome from his elemental brothers. Thunderstorm would rage if someone kept bothering him like promotion, Cyclone and Blaze would only bring chaos, Ice... He rather stayed inside and for Solar... He would take a lot of hours on shopping and also do something crazy. Thorn would get lost easily.

Quake didn't want to bring Nezuko because of course, she was also populer from that sports festival event. Besides, she would get dizzy when being crowded.


A/N: U.A. Sports Festival event has ended! Aye! Next chapter will be choosing code name and chossing an intership for Pro Hero agencies.

(1145 words)

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