Mood Swings

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After the empress gave her punishment, the news traveled very fast in the place and outside of it. According to some rumors, the emperor's face looked unpleasant but the empress had sent his head maid to tell the emperor something, and the emperor didn't act out. The concubines were even more conscious now.

"Open your mouth Tao'er just one more bite." The empress said while bringing the spoon to his youngest son's mouth. While the people were busy gossiping and conscious the empress was busy feeding her children.

"I cwant anymore mwommy," Tao'er whined.

"Mother just let him off this time." Hu'er who just came in the door pleaded for his little brother.

"Oh! Your back Hu'er, come and eat mother cooked it personally." The empress said as she tried to get up to greet his eldest son.

"Mother you're pregnant, you don't have to do stuff like that anymore." The crown prince spoke sternly while assisting his mother back to the seat.

Immediately tears filled the empress' eyes and he said, "My food is horrible right? And plus you hate me. I mean I understand you I won't blame you." Immediately after finishing the sentence, the empress started bawling.

"Of course not mother, how could I hate you. I will not deny that you've made some mistakes but the fact that you're willing to change makes you a great person in general. Mother is the best in the world!" The crown prince coaxed seemingly used to this situation. 

Well, that's because he is. Since the empress was four months pregnant, he has been emotionally unstable. His guilt about not taking care of his children would always come up in literally any conversation he had, or he would talk about how he's so fat, and if you give him a compliment he would seat in front of his copper mirror and be a narcissist and rant all day. For example the other day Hu'er found his mother sobbing into a blanket; Worried Hu'er asked what was wrong.

"I'm so fat! Have you ever met anyone as fat as me?!" The empress sobbed even harder.

"Mother you carrying children, it's normal," Hu'er answered clearly confused.

"I sat in a chair yesterday and it broke! It really broke!" The empress exclaimed as he continued sobbing.

"Mother, I've never met anyone, who looks as pretty as you during pregnancy. You're the epitome a beauty and pregnancy is not going to take that away." The crown prince coaxed.

"Really?" The empress asked as he wiped his tears.

"Why would I lie to mother?" Hu'er assured as he wiped the rest of the tears off the empress' face.

"Your right, I'm so beautiful, look at my beautiful face. Why didn't I fall in love with myself back then hmm? I was so stupid, I should've stayed away from men. All men gave me was MENtal anxiety, MENtal breakdowns, and MENopause. How didn't I see the problems before, tch, but good thing I have my gorgeous self to keep me company, and my children too." The empress said as he sighed, leaving his eldest son hooked, and probably traumatized due to the speed his mother's mood was changing.  Hu'er was pulled back to focus, hearing his mother ask a question.

"Really?" The empress asked patting the back of the crown prince's hand.

"Of course, mother and you can't be sad, auntie's wedding is coming up remember?" The crown prince reminded as he gently stroked his mother's hand.

"Of course, did you think I'd ever forget it?" The empress said as he side-eyed his eldest son with a pout. "Here my decree Lady Liu Shi Ling has been a pillar of the empire since young, she has served the empress, the emperor, and the empire with utmost sincerity. This empress is very content hearing the good news from Lady Liu Shi Ling about her marriage. This empress wants to show her sincerity and for that, we shall bestow upon her name the tile snd rank of Jungzhu, 40 magnificent rubies, and 30 enchanting sapphires. May the marriage be blessed and long-lasting. Bestow my decree." The empress announced.

The maids though shocked were quick on their feet, and delivered the empress decree. By noon the whole empire was exploding with rumors and gossip. For the empress to not give gold nor silver, but gems, shows the importance of this sister to him, plus the last sentence sounded off more like a threat than a blessing. Those who were smart added Liu Shi Ling into their 'not offend list'.

The emperor heard of the news and headed to the empress's chamber with a dark look on his face. He looked like he was about to tear somebody apart. He came by so fast that the maids didn't have time to announce it.

"Mwomy I wuv you!" Tao'er exclaimed as he opened his arms to demonstrated how much love he held for his mother.

"I wuv you too my baby!" The empress engulfed the youngest child into a hug as he sobbed.

"Mommy you're playing favorites, it's obvious I love you more! I loved you since I was in your tum-tum, that's exactly why I came out as your cardon coby." Ruan'er pouted as she reasoned.

"It's a carbon copy, not cardon coby honey, and now I'm not playing favorites I love you all equally. Now get ready for bed and try not to wake up your older brother."  The empress said as he chucked and pulled Ruan'er in the hug, and stroked the now sleeping crown prince face.

When the emperor walked in this was the scene that greeted him, he felt a pang in his heart, but that quickly faded. He went back outside and told somebody to announce his arrival.

"The emperor has arrived!" A eunuch announced as the emperor walked in.

"Greetings to your majesty." The empress bowed and greeted the emperor with an expressionless face.

"I need to talk to the empress." The emperor said furrowing his brow.

"Then, shall we head to the hall?" The empress asked politely, and the emperor nodded his head giving his response.

The emperor was shocked by the hall when he walked in. There were many beautiful sceneries everywhere in the hall, especially the cherry blossom one. A memory of him mocking the idea of the empress redecorating the empress' place played in his mind. He frowned at the memory and continued till he got to the chair.

"May I know what the emperor want's to talk about?" The empress asked as he sipped some of his tea.

"I heard the empress promoted his sister to a Jungzhu."

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" The empress asked with a cold face.

"So on every festive occasion, you're going to promote one of your family members?" The emperor replied to the empress in a cold voice.

Hey, lovelies! Here is an update.

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