"Just a dream, Brother." Teddy said and Harry shook his head. "Your pregnant boyfriend, was unable to wake you. It took me couple tries to wake you. Teddy, you even admitted to me it's why you used." Harry said and Teddy frowned. "Doesn't mean he needs to know I'm used, Harry. He was a virgin and he thinks I was too, because I was the loser without a girlfriend or boyfriend." Teddy said. "Teddy. Hugo needs to know. It will help him understand you better, and be able to help you, don't you understand that?" Harry said and Teddy looked at Harry, before letting out a sigh. "What am I suppose to tell him? I'm somebody's used object that's dealing with nightmares because I'm stupid and worthless." Teddy said. "Non of that is true." Harry said and teddy shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe..." He whispered. "Talked to Hugo, Teddy." Harry said and after a pause, he nodded.
Harry, wasn't to happy to see Ron sitting on the couch talking to Hermione. "Next time, let me know he's hear, Mione." Harry said. "Sorry, we can go outside." Hermione side. "No." Harry was quick to say. He was also surprised that Ron was still there come dinner time, and their nanny made the plate for him as well, who joined the table. Teddy pretty much had to pull Hugo to join the table, who was still upset at his father and his shitty, childish behavior. Who went half way through dinner before saying something. "Why are you here?" Hugo finally asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in the chair. "Hush." Teddy said. "No. He's not playing this game." Hugo said getting to his feet. "Hugo, sit down!" Harry said and Hugo fussed out and dropped back down in the sit. "Why are you here?" Hugo asked again. "You aren't in the mood to listen." Ron said, a little softly. "I'm not gonna watch you toy with my mum." Hugo said. "I'm sure he knows I'm not afraid to knock his head off his shoulders." Teddy said, through a bite of his food and Harry shot down Hugo's chance to open his mouth again. "Just eat your dinner, Hugo." Harry said, and after a huff, Hugo started to eat again.
"Hugo wasn't wrong to ask you why you are here. He also isn't wrong about not letting you toy with Hermione, Ron." Harry said that night, outside on the porch. Hermione inside, on the couch reading and watching form the window. "I never meant to hit her." Ron said and after a pause. "For the moment, let's forget you hit her. Even with that aside, you fought with her, told her you wasn't going to start over with another kid and then just left her to deal with it all alone. We have no idea what you've been doing, who you've been doing it with, or anything. She's already at risk and your son, you can't be toying with their emotions." Harry said and it kept quiet for a while. "I went to my mum's, Harry. We talked mostly, and no, I didn't want to have a kid. I thought that part of my life was over, but I also don't want...to spend more time alone. I fucked up, big time, and I don't expect it to be easy to fix, but isn't that her choice?" Ron asked. "Not when she's sleeping on my couch, in a high risk pregnancy because of the shit you said to her. Not when your son is also high risked and stressed out because he's worried you'll just hurt her. Not when teddy SEEN you hit her. You did what you did. Spoke what your spoke. You have to deal with the consequences." Harry said, easing to his feet. "I'm assuming that means your sending me away for the night?" He said and after a sigh. "I want to, I really do, but no. She asked me not to. Hurt her, upset her, or she comes to me for any reason, I might turn teddy loose on you." Harry said, before they went slowly back into the house.
"I don't want you here." Hugo said, about an hour later. Ron went to the kitchen for a drink, one that Harry made clear couldn't be alcohol. He was making due with one of Draco's caffeine free sodas, Root beer. "I don't recall asking, Hugo." He said, a little plain, grabbing a straw. It was colorful and curly because of the children. "Why are you still here." He huff. "HUGO!" Teddy huffed form the bedroom door. Not only did his leg hurt, he told Hugo to keep in the bedroom, but his pregnant, unrational mind wasn't going to let him not bitch at his father, again. Hugo didn't address the scream. "Brother!" Teddy then call for. "Hugo! If I have to come get you, I'll lock you in your bedroom!" Harry said and after a huff, Hugo stormed out the kitchen, slamming the bedroom door behind him.
Harry come into the kitchen. Jill, who was warped in a bath towel, fresh out of the bath. "I just got a soda. I didn't even talk to him." Ron said. "He is very emotional. Very. Even I have to ignore him and teddy has had to fight with him just to sleep or eat." Harry said, with the giggly baby on his hip. "What am I suppose to do then?" Ron asked. "Avoid him, for now. Once the tension goes away, he should relax some around you." Harry said, grabbing one of the bottles of apple juice their nanny kept in the fridge and handed it to Jill who quickly started to drink it. "Okay. Leftovers?" He asked. "There's plenty left. Help yourself, just keep out of the strawberry ice cream. It's Draco's and he will bite your finger if you touch his ice cream." Harry said, before grabbing himself a bottle water, and disappeared back to the nursery.

Professor Potter
FanfictionDraco Malfoy is an eighteen year old Collage student in America, a very long ways form home. Draco is also A very young single father of two. A bubble Two year old boy and a newborn girl. Juggling School, work and raising two small children at Eight...