Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Declaring War

    The live broadcast was too well prepared, and the incident happened suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard.

    It seems that everything happened in this short half-day.

    In the past two years, Xingkan has been overwhelmed by Diandian live broadcast, but the basic business ability of Xingkan is still good.

    Things fermented for a long time, and in the evening, the purpose and ambition of the live broadcast was completely exposed.

    A large number of sailors on Xingkan deliberately or unintentionally lead the topic to Xingkan's anchor "Youzhen" plagiarism. This is also the reason why Yu Zhen still receives harassment from black fans even if he filters out Xingkan's backstage private messages.

    At the same time, Xingkan, who found that the signs were wrong, took an emergency plan at the first time, and temporarily staggered the spearhead of public opinion from Yu Zhen on Xingwang to minimize the loss.

    Just when Yu Zhen was about to chat with Shan Xin, her person in charge of Xingkan, the other party took the initiative to find Yu Zhen.

    The matter was urgent, and the two didn't chat too much. Shan Xin told Yu Yuzhen the strategy of discussing the live broadcast of Xingkan for a long time straight to the point.

    [Shan Xin]: The initial plan is that we will choose the time for you to issue an original statement of the live broadcast. As for the follow-up popularity, you don't have to worry at all. Regarding your video clips and topics, Xingkan has already prepared enough. After the original statement is issued, we will release your topics and videos to attract a wave of traffic.

    [Shan Xin]: This rookie anchor called "A Little True" on Diandian's live broadcast, after the preliminary judgment of our lawyer, she violated the law of Article 2892 of the Imperial Civil Law. After the original statement is sent, we will send the lawyer's letter to Diandian Live, and Xingkan will fully bear the litigation costs.     [Shan Xin]: Xingkan headquarters also attaches great importance to this incident, so you can rest assured that we can basically resolve this matter within a month or two at most.     The menacing Diandian live broadcast is not only aimed at Yu Zhen this time, but also the stars standing behind Yu Zhen watching the live broadcast.     This is also one of the reasons why Xingkan Live will formulate a preliminary solution strategy at the first time.

    According to Shan Xin's information, the process of Xingkan's live broadcast solution at this time has formed a preliminary scale, so Yu Zhen can rest assured and hand over the counterattack to Xingkan to solve the live broadcast.

    As one of the largest live broadcast platforms in Interstellar, Xingkan Live has countless cases of handling this incident every year, and its experience is far richer than that of Yu Zhen.

    Of course, the legal department of the live broadcast is not a vegetarian.

    Shan Xin said it easily, but she and Yu Zhen both knew that this would be a tough fight.

    After seeing Shan Xin's message, Yu Zhen's fingertips moved slightly.

    She wants herself to be part of the live broadcast of the counterattack.

    Yu Zhen didn't have this idea because she didn't trust Xing Kan.

    But the "something true" that broke out today is not only related to Xingkan, but also to her.

    What's more, what the Diandian live broadcast has done has touched Yu Zhen's bottom line.

    She hates being slandered the most.

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