Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Jake, Mark, and Courtney stared at the small burnt crater into the sidewalk. It was shoe shaped, like their Converse's.

"What do you think it was?" Courtney asked them.

"I don't know, a dude on fire maybe?" Jake suggested.

"If it was, the whole place would be torched, wouldn't it?" Mark said, looking at them both.

"True," Jake said, before seeing Tony rolling on his skateboard.

"Hey guys," he called, skating toward them and waving.

"Hey Tony," Courtney said, waving back.

"Watch out for the crater," Jake warned.

"What crat- whoa!" Tony began falling off his board as it stopped suddenly, seeing the ground rush up at him.

But he stopped falling suddenly, feeling his collar tugging against the front of his neck.

The group looked back and saw Miley holding the back of Tony's collar.

They stood there, with their jaws dropped in shock.

"Hey, Miley. A little help?" Tony asked.

"Oh, sorry, Tony," she apologized, helping Tony stand upright and looking down while she blushed.

"Nah, you're good. Great reflexes," he complimented her, putting a hand on her shoulder. He felt Miley jump at the sudden touch.

"Oh, thanks," Miley answered, smiling slightly.

"You okay?" Tony asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, just startled," Miley answered, smiling nervously at him.

"Oookay," Tony said, unsure.

"Hey, Miley. We found this crater on the ground," Courtney said, pointing to the burnt crater.

"Oh, lemme see," Miley said, looking down.


"Crap, I should have covered it better," she thought.

"What do you think it was?" Jake asked her.

"I'm not sure," she said, toeing at the crater.

"Wait, it's the size of your foot!" Jake observed, bending down.

"So?" Miley answered, shifting from foot to foot.

"Maybe, it was someone our age," Tony speculated.

The rest murmured in agreement.

"Can we just get to school?" Miley suddenly blurted out, causing the rest to look at her.

"She's right, school starts in a bit," Jake added, starting on the path to their school.

The others shrugged and went along.


"I wonder why Miley was so bent on going to school after seeing that crater," Jake thought as he walked. She seemed nervous and jumpy.

Jake looked back at Miley. She was staring down and lagging behind.

"She acting weird to you?" Tony asked him.

"Somewhat, but she's always like that," Jake answered.

"Yeah, but someone's off about her," Mark cut in, walking beside them.

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