Ch. 3~ The Captian of Salvatio

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They had traveled all night, only to stop to let the horse take a break and eat before setting off once again. They had come a little ways from the town before finally dawn rising, traveling by the wagon was most definetly safer than walking, especially since there was a lantern in the back to light up the wagon.

They reached the town right as the sun had began rising over the mountains behind them and where the lake was at the foot of those mountains. The town was secured by tall, brick walls about 10 feet in height but ran around the entire town, so it must have taken an awfully long while to build. There was a large and rather imposing gate infront of them as they approached the wall and it was clear that guards were perched atop the wall waiting for them, if they were armed was not yet revealed so they would rwalk that bridge when they came to it.

When they were within 20 yards of the wall and it was clear the guards, as usual with guards, were armed with weapons ranging from swords to large battle axes but all were in a white plated armor some with different colours on the trim, they guessed different ranks. A bit of the wall was protruding lik e a balcony and loud voices were heard coming from behind the doors of the balcony.

Suddenly with a loud, stout a tall man with dark hair and grey patches in it, visible stubble was on his face and he was wearing the same color armor except different from the rest in its trim, which was decorated with gold trim that shined, most likely real gold. He carried a large one handed claymore in one hand, which would take a regular man two hands to wield. Suddenly the loud voiced from earlier boomed, which was now easily recognized as the man's voice

"What do you people want, do you not understand we are on a lock down due to several sieges from the creatures that live in these parts. No one is to be allowed inside the town of Salvatio for any reason!" The man's voice boomed as he directed at them with his sword, which if the group weren't so kinda could have been percieved as a threat. The group then exited the covered wagon as they were all trying to peer out of the front opening at the balcony. They exited the wagon one by oned and getting stares from all the guards. They were still in the clothes from their world so of course their would be stares.

Taylor first spoke, sounding very angry and impatient with the man, "You there! The tall guy with large ass sword, why are you waving the sword at us without even giving a proper introduction, how rude!" The man then scowled and jumped off the balcony and landed on his feet with ease, even in the most likely heavy armor. He then began walking towards us, even with his men shouting at him, telling him how peculiar we look and if we were dangerous. He turned mid stride and glared at them, which caused them to shut up as soon as he did.

He countinued to walk towards the group after turning around from his stare down of his own men. He walked right up to taylor who, even thoguh being quite tall, was begining to look worried by how much the man towered over him. Lysander was soon no shorter than 5 feet from Taylor, his claymore could most easily swipe Taylor from the distance. Lysander then walked to the left and stuck his claymore in the ground and took of his armor by undoing the buckles along the side. The group watched in confusion as lysander placed his armor on the sword along with a ring from his left hand's ring finger, most likely a wedding ring.

He walked back in only a white tunic, straining to fit his large form and a stil in armored pants and his large metal boots. He cracked his knuckles as he walked which was usually a sign of one thing. A fight was about to go down between him and Taylor, the man had just made it more of a fair fight.

He turned to Taylor and with a bow of modesty he introduced himself, "Hello travelers, I am Lysander, Captian of the Guard of Salvatio. I can allow you passage into the city but only on one condition. Your loud mouth friend over here spare me and prove he's man enough for his words."

Before anyone could speak or show a sign of disagreement, Taylor replied to the man's offer, "I can beat you anytime Lysander and by the way my name's Taylor, remember it since I'm about to wipe the floor with you." Taylor then smiled and pulled his fists up and seemed to be ready and Lysander followed suit and smiled, "Thi's may end up different than you want boy haha"

The opponents stared at one another, noticing even the slightest of shift in the other's posture. Any movement could become an attack between them. They were standing there one minute then the sound of shifting feet and then the sound of fist hitting skin. Taylor had made the first move and had punched Lysander square in the cheek and Lysander has his head turned.

They waited in shock as Lysander slowly turned back and smiled even though their was blood running from his lip. "Nice punch boy but... you need to learn how to punch harder!" Lysander shouted as he drew back and punched Taylor in the same way but the difference was is that Taylor went down, knocked out cold as Lysander dusted of his hand.

The group rushed to assist him but Lysander was already assisting him in getting up and hoisting him up. "I'll carry him inside, he may need medical attention." Lysander says, smiling. They now know what he did. He purposfully did this to get Taylor injured to let them into the city. The Captian is slyer than they believed.

They led the horse inside as the guards of Salvatio saluted Lysander and closed the gate behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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