Therapy Session

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        We sat in a circle in our little therapy session. At the front of the circle sat Pendanski, then Armpit, Magnet and Squid who sat on one bench. Sitting next to them in a chair was Zero who sat, arms crossed and head down. Next to him was Caveman who sat beside me on one side. I sat there arms crossed as well while leaning back into the table as Zigzag sat beside me with his arms resting behind him on the table. Finally X-Ray sat on a stool beside Pendanski. I looked at Pendanski as he turned to Magnet this time.

"What about you Jose? What do you like?" Pendanski processed.
"I like animals." He answered innocently with a smile.
"That's what got Magnet sent here in the first place." Squid joked as the others laughed.
"Man, it's criminal the way they keep them locked up in a cages." He tried defending.
"No Jose, what you did was criminal." Pendanski countered.
"No, no tell 'em Magnet. They wanted a 1,000 bucks just for one puppy." Squid defended his friend. Some were confused by the amount wanted for the animal, Which if you ask me is ridiculous. They get over crowed and have to put animals down because they get so many, yet charge so much that most people can't afford one! And before you start, it's one thing buying the food and toys and everything for it, but to pay that much out right is just crazy!

"I would've have made it out if my pocket didn't start barking." He joked seriously. I smiled at them and shook my head.
"You boys- and gal- get one life and so far, you've done a pretty good job of screwing it up." I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back looking at the ceiling in annoyance before looking at Caveman as attention was suddenly brought to him.
"So you're Caveman now, big shot. Got a nickname. Well let me tell you something, Caveman. You are here on account of one person. You know who that person is?" I side glanced him from beside me, seeing him slowly nod his head.
"Yeah.. My no good, dirty rotten, pig stealing great great grandfather. That's who it is." He almost joked. What in the actual hell kinda excuse is that?! I smiled as the others once again laughed. I never realized just how much we seem to laugh here.
"No. You screwed up your life up, Stanley Yelnats, and it's up to you to fix it. It's not gonna be easy, but you'd be surprised what you can accomplish once you set your mind to it. Even Zero here isn't completely worthless. What about you Zero? What do you like to do?" I looked over, seeing Zero stare at the floor as the others got serious looking between the two.
"You just won't talk with me, will you?"
"Man he only talks to Caveman, you know?" Armpit added.
"You think you're better than all this?" Zero's eyes trailed up to look at him this time before glancing at Caveman. Caveman nodded his head at him, suggesting Zero speak to him.
"I like diggin' holes." He replied quietly. I hummed quietly at this, almost wanting to smile for him but for some reason felt sad about what he said too.
"Then you're in the right place for it.. buddy boy." He almost sneer. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"What the hell is your issue, mom?" I sneered back at him. I tilted my head slightly as the others seemed to get tense.
"What because he's the only one that's actually smaller than you, you gotta pick on him?" I taunted this time. He gave me a slight glare before smiling as he keeps himself composed.
"What about you, Red, was it? What do you like to do?" I clenched my teeth, almost wanting to just tackle him and start hitting him where he sat. It was silent for a minute as I tried to refrain myself.
"I'm waiting.. little girl." He pushed. I grinned and leaned forward across Zigzag to get closer to mom, arms still crossed and eyes sharp. Feeling Zigzag stare at me as I leaned closer over him, and too mom. 
"I like watching people like you get what you deserve." He leaned forward, mocking me.
"Well you won't be gettin' none of that here, lil missy." He taunts back before getting up and leaving the cabin. I stayed how I was for a second longer, eyes following him dangerously.
"Oh.. I will. Sooner or later." I mumbled to myself, knowing the others probably heard me.
"Man she's scary when she's pissed." I here Magnet comment quietly.
"Wouldn't want to be him right now." 
"Yo, it's gotta be Zero she likes." The last one whispered. I turned to Zero.
"No offence kid, but you too young for me. Otherwise you'd have more of a chance than these bozos." I joked leaning back against the table, arms still crossed.
"But he doesn't even talk!" I grinned to Armpit, nodding heavily.
"Exactly." I joked as the others laughed at this, some making noises of offense. Zero gave a small smile before taking off with Caveman while the rest of us stayed in our circle, seeing as we still had some time before lights out.
"Why you always defending those two, girl?" I shrugged at Armpits question, the others curious also.
"Why you think I got in so many fights? It's usually 'cause I'm beating up the bullies."
"I feel bad for those bullies." I chuckled at Squid's comment. As silence fell over us once again.
"Man I'm bored now." I whined out, the others nodding in agreement.
"Alright let's go guys." X-Ray ordered. We nodded, getting up and following suit out of the cabin. I was behind most of the others walking back when Magnet came up beside me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and leaned in close. He waste no time, as I look at him with a boy raised.
"Hey so.. I've been thinking. It's Zigzag, right?" He asked quietly. I tensed and whipped my head at him as he smiled brightly at my quick reaction.
"Ay, I'm right, arn't I?! Ha, I knew it!" He cheered. I went to reach my hand at him when he suddenly jumped back, by now the others turning to us at our commotion.
"Oooo gotta be quicker than that, chicka." He winked, walking backwards. I went to run after him, his face suddenly falling as he realizes I'm quicker than he had expected.
"Oo he a dead boy now."
"The hell he even say to her?"
"You're dead, Jose!" I yelled chasing him. He kept dodging, running all around the cabins, trying to loose me as he ran through a group of other boys from another tent. I stopped, trying to get past the group, before chasing him back to our tent, the others not being here yet as I tackled him to the floor.
"Okay, okay! I won't say anything! I give, Red, I give!" I growled at him, obviously red faced as the others came him.
"Guess she finally got him.." Squid observed dumbly.
"You gonna tell us what this is about?" X-ray asked?
"Guys help me, she's gone loco!" Magnet tried. I pushed further down on him forcefully and leaned in closer to him.
"I'll give you half my dinner for a week if you shut the hell up." He seemed to think about it for a moment, before I enforced his decision by pushing on him more.
"Fine! Deal Red. Just- Get off." I hesitated for a minute before getting off, He stood up slowly, cautiously watching me. The others quiet for a moment.
"So..? What she say?" I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to say something.
"She said she likes Caveman." He mocked. I looked at him half shocked and half disgusted.
"Okay now I know that's a lie." Armpit nods knowingly.
"Man, ain't no girl like Caveman." Zigzag comments.
"She likes Caveman but not me?!" Squid joked. I rolled my eyes smiling. I playfully pushed Magnet away from me as he started laughing. 
"What's wrong with me?" Caveman asked innocently from his cot. The others eyed each before bursting out laughing. I smirked, glad they seemed to have forgotten the info Magnet got. I looked around at the others, eyes landing on Zigzag as I noticed him looking at me. I looked back for a second before looking away and tried to play it off. I walked to my cot, undoing my boots as the others joked back and forth. I looked across the room, making eye contact with Magnet, he looked back at me taunting and smiled. Unaware that a crazy haired boy was still watching. How the hell did HE figure out I liked Zigzag, of all people why did he have to figure it out? He's so not gonna let me live this down.. I guess it's better then the others, they'd outright tell Zigzag and then all of them would be laughing at me. Even Zigzag... It's not like he likes me, the only one that I think like's me is Squid, maybe Magnet too. As fun and kinda cute they are, it's Zigzag I like- Ahhh stop it brain! Why do you gotta like the one that doesn't like you back?! I looked up seeing the others had gotten undressed and ready for bed. Armpit and X-Ray talking to each other as the others just laid there mindlessly. I placed my boots to the side, quickly getting undressed and climbed into bed.
"Night Red." Magnet sung from across the tent. I felt my brow twitch.
"Hey Magnet.. I think I like Pendanski more then you." I sighed. A few of the others suddenly started laughing.
"You got a heart of ice girl."

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