{Another One Bites The Dust}

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Elizabeth came to a stop and Ethan saw that they had come to another door, she pushed it open revealing a horrific state.

Bloodstained floor, skeletal remains shoved into a corner and on a dusty table sat a large jar labelled "Cadou".
"This is what she made us do." Elizabeth was tense, she hated being in this room, she hated the memories and the sounds of screams as she would inject her subjects with the Cadou she was blind to the horror she created, and when she finally realised what she had done, it was too late.

"Here." She handed him the Heart Flask from the table. "Hurry up and fix her, I miss her."

Ethan didn't see a terrifying Lord before him, he saw a woman who cared, someone who had made mistakes in her life and was willing to do whatever it took to rectify them. In a way she reminded him of the Baker family, they didn't want to do what they did, it was all Eveline's fault, just like it was Mirandas' this time around.
"I will," he confirmed, taking the Flask and placing it with the others in his bag carefully.

Ethan stood once again at the doors of the Castle as Elizabeth let him out.
"I'm so glad there weren't any puzzles in this place." He laughed, this was the easiest task he'd had so far, the woman even supplied him with some first aid medicine and a few more shotgun shells, with a warning not to waste them.

"Oh yeah, my family never needed to put defences like that in place as everyone was too fearful to come here." She explained, she knew for a fact Castle Dimitrescu was littered with puzzles and secret passageways, never experienced them for herself though.

The pair chuckled and Elizabeth's eyes widened as she almost forgot something. "Shit the key!".
She pulled it from her pocket and handed the piece of it to the man.


"You're gonna want to head for the Reservoir next, that slimy bastard Moreau will have a piece of Rose. Careful near those waters Ethan."

The man nodded and heeded her warning as he set off back towards the village to open the next gate.


"He's off to Moreaus now, if he's as special as you say he is he'll get that flask in no time. Speaking of, where's your flask?"
Karl turned around slowly to the woman, a small yet nervous smile on his face.
Elizabeth's brows furrowed at the man "Karl...." she trailed off.

"Well, it's sort of, technically, in the Lycans lair..."

That confession earned him a pillow from the sofa being launched across the room at him, hitting him smack bang in the face. "Karl! After all, that mans been through!"

"I'm sorry buttercup but you forget I'm not as nice as you, I won't let him get the flask unless he works for it!"

Another pillow was thrown but this time he caught it, making Elizabeth even more frustrated. She knew that Karl just wanted to test Ethan, basically see how far he can bend him to see if he will break.

The couple's quarrel got cut short as a perimeter alert went off, it was a small beeping noise that came from the monitor in the living room, there were a few stationed around the house, to alert Karl whenever someone had entered the vicinity.
"What now?" Elizabeth huffed walking over and checking the cameras, it was Chris and by the looks of it, it seemed like someone just threw a bucket of water over him.
"Hang on Chris." She spoke through the speaker.

"This conversation isn't over.'" Karl raised his hands as the woman pointed her finger at him and stormed off to go and let Chris in.
Karl knew for a fact that the conversation was over, he knew she could never stay mad at him for long.

"Now let's get prepping." He said to himself, he knew exactly how he was going to greet Ethan after he escaped Moreau, he had an idea in mind and God was it good.
Heisenberg walked into the workshop and grabbed a rusty tin of yellow-coloured paint and began painting words onto some rather large wooden pieces.

"And what the hell are you doing?" A voice came from behind him a few minutes after he began and he turned to see Elizabeth and a now-dry Chris Redfield.
"Painting." Karl shrugged and went back to what he was doing.

"Heisenberg Miranda probably knows we are here by now we need to act now-"


Chris was unfazed by the man's outburst, looking at him with a stoic expression.

"Fine, we'll do it your way, what do you need."


After the outburst, the trio finished painting Heisenbergs messages to Ethan on the wooden boards, and Karl attached them to some metal stands and sent them flying out of the door, controlling where he wanted them to be.

"Holy shit..." Elizabeth cursed as she saw a large green explosion coming from the reservoir, it looked like a liquid so it must have been Moreau.

"Alright show time people!" Heisenberg cracked his knuckles and put his arm around Elizabeth's waist, leading her back inside while Chris followed.
Karl swung himself into the spinning chair in front of the monitor and connected himself to Moreaus' television.

"You're better off than I thought," Karl spoke, his ability allowed him to see Ethan through a one-way screen, but the others couldn't see.

"Who's that?" Ethans' voice came through the speaker, Elizabeth was glad to hear that he was alive and well.

"Oh come on, we just met a while back. Not that it really matters..." she saw Karl pull a pouty face as Ethan didn't clock on to who he was.
"You're the last asshole in my way, aren't you?" Ethan concluded earning a chuckle from the man.

"You've got fight, I'll give you that, Ethan. But what's the plan when you have all five flasks?"

"What are you trying to get at?"

Chris and Elizabeth looked at each other, mirroring the same look, they had to see if Ethan was gonna do what Heisenberg said and not just go straight for the kill. Elizabeth would've spoken up to confirm Karl's good intentions but she knew her other half wouldn't be too happy about that, he liked to do his own thing.

"I could lend you a hand"

"Trying to get on my good side?" Now Karl wasn't too happy about the smugness in the fathers' voice.

"Don't get cocky. I'd kill you if you weren't worth the trouble"There's a stronghold not too far outside the village. Go there, and get my flask. Do that, and you pass. First, head back to the graveyard." He instructed and ended the communication line.

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