Chapter 1: Amber

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Amber - One month later

Getting through this semester is the one major goal I am depending on. I'm majoring in Business and Marketing since I may as well be helping out my brother with managing dad's company. Eva is majoring in Fashion Designing and I couldn't be more proud of how she's going.

I met her during my first year here. The atmosphere was new, and I know people around weren't always going to be friendly. I looked down at the small crack on my phone and smiled. I remember meeting her for the first time as clear as day.


Jitters, for some reason. It's a completely new place, all grown ups, no parents dropping their kids off. My heart raced with anticipation as I walked around lost. The air buzzed with chatter. Carrying my phone in my hand, I weaved through the crowd, people hugging each other.

Trying to find my way, a collision disrupted my thoughts, causing my phone to slip from my grasp and hit the ground with a muffled crack. My eyes widened as I looked at my phone laying flat on the ground as I glanced up to see a hazel-eyed girl, frozen in shock, her expression a mix of horror and regret. Was she going to be a bitch about it? I'm hoping not.

"Oops, I'm so sorry!" The girl blurted out, her voice tinged with genuine concern, hastily bending down to pick up my phone. However, her hand clumsily knocked over a cup of water she'd been carrying, adding to the chaos. This was interesting.

I stifled a laugh, watching the series of mishaps unfold. "It's okay, really," I assured, a smile forming on my lips. She seemed like a genuine person. The situation struck me as comical rather than frustrating.

The girl's face flushed with embarrassment, but her apologies continued to pour out. I chuckled and shook my head. "Don't worry about it," I said, extending a hand to help her up.

The girl calmed down a little and gave me her cheerful smile. Something told me I was gonna love being around her. The tension dissolved into laughter as we both recognized the absurdity of the moment. "Name's Amber, what about you?"

"Eva. Eva Lowry."


While I thought of Eva, I noticed her walking through the entrance of the campus towards me with a big smile on her face. I wish I could smile like her. Everything about her screams positivity. It definitely took me a while to forgive my brother for breaking her heart. Idiota.

"Hey Evel." I said, using the nickname she absolutely despises. She halted and glared at me while I only sheepishly smiled at her and handed her the cup of coffee I bought for her this time.

"Careful, I could use all the 'endearments' that were given to you by your beloved Ace, so don't push it, my love." She replied as she took the cup from my hand and I scowled at the use of "beloved" and "Ace" in her sentence. "That's cruel." I whined.

Ace William Woods. Also known as spawn of satan. Not long after my first encounter with the prick who ruined my reports, I found out it was none other than the talk of the college, Ace.

Coming across him the second time was no treat either. He had no reason to act the way he did. I didn't think my comment about his shoes pissed him off so much that he managed to trick me into thinking I was being called into the locker rooms, only to be locked from outside for hours until someone finally let me out.

I got him back though. A few weeks ago, I was asked to pass on a schedule of his classes to him. I did, of course, but only after I made a few of my own changes to it. God, it felt good to see his confused and agitated look after he went into the wrongest classes. It felt even better to see the look on his face when he realized who was behind it.

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