Ayato POV
It's my last day before I have to go again. I'm wishing that there was something more I could do for everyone before I go, but especially Thoma.Instead, he is offering to take me anywhere I want for the whole day. I guess it sort of makes sense since I'm the one leaving, but at the same time, I'm the one who had come home.
At least I will be able to spend my last day with him.
I really do love him, so very much. I hope that he knows truly how much I love him.
"Waka, are you ready?" Shout's Thoma from down the hall.
"Yeah, I'll be right there", I respond, picking up my phone off the bed table and putting it in my pocket.
I then run out of the door and up to Thoma, giving him a small peck on the lips and following him to the front door.
He tell the chaffier that he'll drive, because he wants to go with me alone, and the chaffier hands over the keys to him.
We head to the car and get in, Thoma driving and me in the passenger's seat.
"So, where to first?" Thoma asks, with a beaming smile.
"Hmm, what about chuck e. cheese?" I ask, making a silly expression.
"Oooh wanna check the back rooms for animatronics, or just get indigestion from the pizza?"
"I'll skip the Five Nights at Freddy's experience and the food poisoning, I think i'll just hit the ticket tunnel and play some games for old times sake." I say, thinking about the time when I was 9 years old and held a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party."Sure thing!" Thoma says, pulling out of the driveway and heading to Chuck E. Cheeses.
We get there and at the front desk we buy tickets and we just have a heck ton of fun.
It was nine in the morning when we got there, and at about eleven an employee is checking in and Thoma told me he swears he knows the little child that came in with her.
The kid looks like he is in a bad mood, and as soon as the girl goes to the back, he flops himself down on a chair and starts playing on his phone.
The animatronic band comes out and starts playing for some kids birthday party, and I've got to say, they look pretty terrifying. Like large Furbies.
The kid looks up and I notice that his purple bowl cut matches the employee's purple bob. Perhaps they are related?
"Aha!" Thoma exclaims next to me.
"That kid, isn't really much of a kid, he's Kunikazushi from school. I know him because his mom is basically a Karen, and is in the front office like at least once a month. Anyways he's a junior... so he's probably at least 15, probably 16 or 17." Thoma expounds.
"So who's the girl with him?" I ask.
"I don't know, to be honest."
(Just some info for ya'll, in this Modern AU, Scaramouche and Sara are Raiden's kids. And Sara is working at Chuck e. Cheese, and she has to drag scaramouche with her.)
Later, we leave Chuck e. Cheese and we decide to get some food.We decided to pick up some fast food and eat it, it isn't often that we get to act like normal people, no high expectations, or necessity for formalities.
We eat and watch some new episodes that released on Thoma's phone whilst doing so.
The rest of the day we go sight seeing and stop at all the fun things we see.
The sun is setting and Thoma passes a park. He then turns around and pulls into the parking lot.
The last of the kids start going home and the sun is going down. We get out of the car and sit on the roof, looking over at the playground.
I run over to the swing set and Thoma seems like he is pulling something out of the car, he then puts it into his pocket. I don't really think much of it.I get on a swing and begin to swing, I haven't done this since I was like five, there has always been expectations for me to behave mature, but today I really could just feel like a kid again.
The wind against my face, at some point my hair came out of it's ponytail and it is blowing every which way.
Thoma joins me on the swing next to me, and we swing for what feels like forever, and then I get tired so I jump off the swings. Thoma let's his come to a slow halt.
I start to laugh and Thoma joins, we are laughing so hard that we are rolling on the ground.Suddenly Thoma stops laughing, he gets up and brushes his clothes off.
He gives me a smile, so I also get up and fix my clothes.
"Wa- " Thoma stops himself from using my pet name, "Ayato... I am in love with you, and I have loved you for so long. You are everything to me... so."
Thoma gets down on one knee.
Is he going to really do this?!?!
Thoma pulls a small box out of his pocket.
"Ayato, will you spend the rest of my life with me as my one and only?" Thoma asks, opening the box, to reveal a beautiful ring with a blue gem imbedded into it.
I start to cry, I love him so much. I can't speak, so instead I fall in to hug Thoma. He returns the embrace with one arm fully and the other one, holding the ring, still manages to wrap around me a bit.
We pull away and Thoma puts the ring on my finger, he then pulls another one out and let's me put it on his.
His has a red stone embedded in the same pattern and shape as mine.
"Yours's is aquamarine, your birthstone, and mine is Garnet, which is also my birthstone." Thoma explains, watching me observe the rings.I look at him and smile.
"They are perfect... no, you're perfect" I say tears starting to well at my eyes again.I kiss Thoma, and it feels like the best day of my life.

Just Pretending - A Thomato Modern AU Genshin Fanfic
FanfictionThoma has a crush on childhood best friend Ayato, but he doubts the feeling in mutual. But what happens when Ayato needs to fake a romantic relationship?