twenty nine.

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MAYBE THE GHOSTS of her life really hated her, because they started to show up now.

Val had never claimed that she couldn't see ghosts. It was that she didn't see them often. She didn't know why — maybe it was just a dampened power of hers, but she rarely saw ghosts unless they were really obvious. Like the Lares in New Rome.

But now her old friend had appeared, and god was she surprised.

"I thought you would've rebirthed," Val said nonchalantly, despite the trash can that was piling with tissues and the red around her eyes.

"Yeah, well, you asked me to be your guardian angel, and here I am," Ethan reclined on her bed, as if they were still fourteen. "You just can't see me most times, cause you're blind."

Val scoffed. "I'm the daughter of death, I could shut you up at any moment. And you're calling me blind?"

He smirked at her, and it was so familiar that it made her heart ache. "You're the daughter of death, and you couldn't see me until now. Must be an emotional thing."

"Probably," Val sighed. "I'm assuming you saw all of that?"

"Do you think I didn't?" He sat up, looking at her seriously. "It's not your fault. And you're right. Nico shouldn't be trapped in that jar, ally or otherwise."

"He's my brother, Ethan, of course I'm gonna save him." Val gritted her teeth. "With Leo and Jason's help or not. I will learn to steer this ship if it means I'm able to get to him."

Ethan sent her a wry smile. "That's my Valentine," he held out his fist, and Val sighed and fist bumped him. "You're such a dork," she commented.

"You agreed to this when you became friends with me," he protested, and she rolled her eyes. "Seriously. Anyway, do you want to do something fun?"

Val bit her lip. "Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know . . . spending a bunch of money until we die by the amount of bags?"

She bit her lip, before nodding. "Fine. I guess. You're a horrible companion to go shopping, though."

"Hey!" Ethan reached out to hit her shoulder, and she giggled when he made contact with her. "I'm not that bad."

"You are," Val simply said, getting up. "Come on. I need to get out of here."

* * *

Shopping and a sex escapade later, Val shadow traveled to see everyone at the quarterdeck.

Shoot. Val tried to get by quietly so she could at least put her goddamn bags away, but then Ethan tipped one over that was on the ground — how he did, she didn't know — but the embarrassment that flooded through her blocked out all reason.

"Tina?" Annabeth finally asked. "Have you been out shopping?"

"Something like that," Val looked up at Ethan, sending him a glare when she saw him snickering. "You invited me out, you should at least put away my bags."

Ethan rolled his eyes, but muttered a "fuckin' Valentine and her shit, my god" and vanished.

Leo frowned. "Were you talking to the air?"

Val snorted and jumped up so she could jump onto Leo's back and wrap herself around him. He was scrawny, but he could hold her for a couple seconds until she realized that right, that was Leo, and hopped off. "I just talked to the ghost of Christmas past," she explained vaguely, making random hand motions before looking over at Percy. "What'd you say about captive sea animals?"

TERRIFIED . . . annabeth chaseWhere stories live. Discover now