Gabriel's POV
She left!
This time it's for forever...
There is no going back now...
It is my fault...
I couldn't stop her...
Is this hell on earth? A life without her?
"IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" the voice of an angry father brings me back to my cruel reality. I look at Alaric who is seething with anger while I am just lost...lost without her.
"I wish I never let you in my home, I wish I protected my daughter from you" he spats.
I wish it too, I wish I never came into her life and took away everything, she would've been happy. I wish I never doubted her all those years ago then we would've been happy right now. So many wishes but none of them can be fulfilled.
"Fa-father please i-it wasn't his fa-fault" the voice of the woman who I despise most in this entire world makes me want to kill her but I cannot.
"And you!" Alaric shouts turning to Charlotte before continuing "Today I lost not one but both my daughters. You are dead to me Charlotte. The only reason I did not let Juliet kill you is only because of Mirabella. You know blood comes first in our family yet you betrayed your sister. Never call me your father again" Alaric says before walking out of the safe house leaving me alone with this bitch.
Charlotte cries and begs her father to come back but the door closes with a loud bang. I look at her kneeling state on the floor with tears running out of her eyes and bruises on her face from when Juliet punched her yesterday. She raises her head and her awful eyes plead with me.
"Gab-Gabriel please-" she says but I raise my hand to cut her off.
I wish I could torture her and then kill her myself for what she did. How can I let the person who took my Juliet away from me, live? I never loved her but I respected her, I cared for her and she did this to me. The love for my daughter is like shackles to my legs, stopping me from ending Charlotte's miserable life.
"Shut up and listen to me very carefully" I say she flinches before she goes silent. I throw her the papers and a pen.
"Sign them" I order and she raises the papers with shaky hands. Once she reads the content of them, she shakes her head vigorously.
"N-no" she stutters.
"Sign them right fucking now!" I scream, this close to letting Lucifer take control and cut her head. She starts wailing
"Pl-please Gab-riel...Do-don't do this t-to me" she cries but I just ignore her. Her tears, her cries mean nothing to me.
"You disgust me. Sign the papers or I will make you" I tell her seriously and she flinches at my tone. She signs the papers reluctantly. Once she is done, I rip those papers from her.
"Now you are no longer my wife" I spat at her.
"Bella?" she asks.
"You fucking have the audacity to even say her name right now?!" I shout throwing the chair against the wall shattering the photo frames.
"Please don't take her away from me" she begs grabbing my foot. I shake my foot letting her body fall on the floor.
"You will see her when I say you see her. Be grateful you are not dead yet bitch!" I shout and she gives me a horrified look. I have never said such harsh words to any woman before but this pitiful excuse of a human is worth every cruel word.
"Pl-please" she begs again.
"Why did you do this?" I finally ask the only question that mattered the most.
"Be-because I loved you" she whispers making me laugh.
"LOVE?! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LOVE?!" I scream and kneel down in front of her.
"I will ask Ju-Juliet for her for-giveness" she says with hope in her eyes.
Hope that I might forgive her. Even now she wants to ask Juliet for forgiveness because she hopes I might forgive her...Pathetic.
"Don't you dare say her name. If you even dare to speak about her then mark my words Charlotte, I will give you a fate worse than death" I tell her. Juliet's pure name should never come out of this witch's tongue.
"I did it all for love!" she yells making me chuckle darkly at her stupid words.
"If you even knew what love was then you wouldn't have been a selfish bitch! You would've let me be happy! You would've never betrayed your own sister! So, don't tell me you loved me because all you did was despise Juliet!" I complete and walk out of the house before I lose my temper.
Once outside I see the dark clouds surrounding the sky and it starts to rain. I stand there letting tears flow out of my eyes which will be invisible in the rain. As soon as I close my eyes, Juliet's crying face pops up.
She made it very clear yesterday that by choosing to let Charlotte live I will lose her and this time it's forever. She is gone and hates me more than ever. It was only yesterday morning that I was worshipping her body. It's funny how your life can change in minutes. There was hope yesterday, hope for us to finally become one but just like these dark clouds that ray of hope is gone.
I've lost every hope of ever having her by my side. And now war is coming.
A war between American and Italian mafia...
A war against the love of my life...
A war against my Jules.
I love her with all my heart, my soul, and with every cell of my body...
So, I know I was supposed to give this update a few days back but I just wasn't satisfied with some, I rewrote some parts over a dozen times till I was satisfied.
Part 1 is officially finished!!! Phew, it was a long way guys!!!
Now, let's talk about what is next...First of all, I am thinking of writing one more chapter and I was thinking to write it in Charlotte's POV... tell me if you guys are interested in that.
Secondly, as I mentioned I would be writing a very short story on Annalisa and Diego. Sadly right now I seriously have no time not that their story isn't going to be interesting. But I want to start with Part 2 first and then at the end of the book I will write their story.
Thirdly, Part 2 is still a work in progress and I will start updating it from the start of April. Now, as you guys are already aware my memory sucks so I want you guys to pleaseeeeeee either dm me or keep posting on my page that I am to start updating within the first week of April.
Now, enough with the blabbering.
I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!! Hope you all show the same love to Part 2 which is going to be twice intense, twice rough, twice painful, and twice sexy (for my horny readers👀).
Oh, wait! One teeny little thing we have a new man coming in the next part. Now, he might be a sexy hunk of a man, and one more thing, we might find him in Juliet's bed one morning.
I mean you never know what might happen.