Unredeemable Chapter 3

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     The three of them then managed to escape the garden maze and went back to Master Chul.

    Master Chul then rubbed his forehead and sighed disappointedly.  "That hair pin belonged to my father, and his father and so on and so forth. That item is precious to my family bloodline!"

   "Can't you get it yourself, old man?" Jungkook thought to himself. "Give me 50 pushups and run 10 laps, hurry now!" Master Chul said as he clapped his hands.

    "Master Chul can Jungkook sit this one out? His hand has been poisoned by a snake." Taehying said.

   "Huh!? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Master Chul said.

   "We did, but you rambled on about your hair pin-" Jimin said but was cut off by Master Chul.

   "Shush now, child!" Master Chul then took something from his sleeve and passed the medicine to Jungkook.

   "I also got bitten by it once, so I always keep this medicine with me." Master Chul said.

   "Thank you sir." Jungkook said. "That's Master Chul to you." Master Chul replied.

    Jungkook then proceeded to rub the oinment on his hand. Jungkook then saw the scar on his hand disappeared and gasped in shock.

   "Even though I knew how the medicine worked it just looks so cool to see in real life!" Jungkook thought.

  "Alright, now you three may start now." Master Chul said as he sat down on the shade of a tree and opened a book.

   Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook started to do 50 pushups and proceeded to run 10 laps.

  Since Jungkook was trained by the village head his body seemed to do the training with ease unlike his actual body would be able to do before he transmigrated.

   "Done already!?" Master Chul said as he saw the three of them standing in from of him.

   Master Chul then stood up and took a hairpin out of his sleeve, "I didn't actually lost the hairpin."

  Jimin and Taehyung gave a shocked expression while Jungkook gave no reaction since he expected this.

  "I swear if you make a speech about how the hairpin wasn't the one we should be looking for but the teamwork, I will let my soul personally leave my body." Jungkook thought.

   "Even though you three may have not find the hairpin you three managed to work together to fight the monsters and escape the garden maze, you three found teamwork." Master Chul said.

   "My heart is sobbing omg hshsafsf" Jungkook thought.

    "So this was just a test?" Jimin said.

     "You could call it that." Master Chul replied while chuckling a bit.

     "And with that your first day of training is over. I see a lot of potential in the three of you." Master Chul said.

    "You three may leave now." Master Chul said.

   The three of them proceeded to bow politely and left.

   "Hey your not so bad after all  Jungkook." Jimin said as they were walking home.

   "Hmm, you too." Jungkook replied. "Well, sorry for treating you like shit for 6 years, I was just pissed at the fact Taehyung couldn't stand up for himself against you so I did it for him instead." Jimin explained.

   "But hey! We're all good now right?" Jimin said as he put his arms around Taehyung and Jungkook's shoulder

    "Yeah, we're all good." Jungkook replied.

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