Chapter 36

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I walk over to Leo's body first. I place my hands over his heart. A big cloud with thunder rolls in directly above me. The sun was just barely setting.

"Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phasmatis ut victus. Victus phasmatis ex eleto, revertas phasmatis ut victus." I repeat it over and over. Leo and Cohen's spirits appear by my side. They put there hands over Leo's heart while repeating the same spell I previously said. In English the spell basically means 'to call upon the spirits and to restore the spirit into it's body.'

The three of us repeat the spell. They're magic and the moon's energy was more than enough. I close my eyes as I repeat the spell louder. I'm practically chanting it. The candles go out meaning the spell was complete. Leo's spirit disappeared, but his body wasn't awake either. I cross to the other circle over to Cohen's body. I placed my hands on his chest and repeated the same spell. My body grew weaker and weaker. My hands start to shake wildly. I was sent flying back. Why isn't it working? Cohen stares at me in distraught.

"It's okay." He smiled. I can see the tears filling his eyes. "You couldn't save me, but you can just let me go." He whispered. I can't just let go of my best friend. My heart dropped and I knew what I had to do something. Something more. I start a spell to save them. I had to. The sky becomes black with purple and red lightning. My signature purple lightning. I hear Leo start to cough indicating that it really worked. I hold back my tears as I start to preform a dark spell. I had to use dark magic. I wasn't strong enough on my own.

"Izzy, don't!" Cohen called out to me. The candles fire grows bigger. I grab onto his hands as I channel his energy.

"Phasmatos Ravaros on Animum. Phasmatos Ravaros on Animum. Phasmatos Ravaros on Animum." It basically means 'spirited on the mind.' It was a dark spell, but in the moment I didn't care. I just wanted them both back.

"Izzy?" I hear Leo call after me. I ignored him. I continued on until the candles blew out and the skies cleared. I stand up and stand back, awaiting for him to wake up. "Did it work?" Leo asks.

"I hope so." I spoke slowly. I can feel my eyes getting heavy. After five long minutes he gasps for air. I run to him and hug him immediately. Leo joins in. "We have to go." I cut our moment short. "Scott's in trouble. I can feel it." They didn't ask any questions. They immediately got up and we ran to my car. I drop Leo off at Stiles's house so he could grab his car. We race over to the school and get out. It was completely dark by then.

"I'll check upstairs, Leo checks downstairs, and Cohen check the bleachers and the fields." I demanded. They nodded as we all took off running. I head upstairs and immediately tune everything out to listen for Scott's voice. I hear a loud roar. I couldn't quite pinpoint where it came from. My powers are starting to weaken. I hear another roar and then glass shattering.

"Hello, Izzy."

"You lied to me." My voice breaks to the person I thought I once trusted. "Because of your own fear. My whole life of knowing you and you wanted me dead this whole time. All the talk about the monster I am, but you, "you're  the monster. You're sick and evil." I turn around to reveal Michael.

"Aw, don't look so sad. I have a surprise for you." He responds. He pulls an arrow out of the inside of his jacket pocket. Not just any arrow, a golden arrow. The myth has it that it can kill the phoenix.

"Do it." I say with a calm voice.

"Tell me, Izzy. Why is it that you wish to die?" He taunts.

"You tell me. Is there really any value in this hell that we call living?" I respond. "I hurt everyone around me because of you."

"Izzy!" Cohen screams from behind me. Leo approaches from a side hallway. They see Michael holding the golden arrow. Moses and Marie appear out of no where as the start fighting.

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