Thirty-Second Part

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December 31st, 2005

Dear Diary,

I've just realized how much time has passed since my depressed self started writing to you nearly five years ago.

I guess getting out of Britain really was a good choice, at it brought me home, where it has been for so long, by Hermione's side.

I've just given her my training staff from when I was battling daily against Bindu. and she agreed to let me train her before getting out as Jedi. That way, at the very least, even if she doesn't know how to control this 'Force' that her father told us stories of, she'll know how to use her weapon.

But I digress. I've seen the world, or at least very interesting parts of it, and now, I'm at peace. On this final day of 2005, I'm home and, maybe not happy, but content with who and where I am.

I'm with Hermione.

I'm home.


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