Chapter Five

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Hi, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated! I've been really busy and had to go places but I'm back now!

I don't really have a plan yet on when chapters are going to be out, I should probably make one but.. I probably won't, however I will try to get chapters out as fast as I can.

I hope you like this one :)



This whole shitty ahhhhhh of a school!

I've been standing for 3 hours!!!

Every time I lean on the pole Professor Gocalon, being the little bitch he is, glares at me and makes me lean off it, stand up straight, while being taught, well everyone is being taught, I'm wishing there was a window I could stare out instead of only seeing a plain wall.

This school definitely doesn't promote creativity.

Luckily when ever I completely zoon out I'm not always overthinking, which is a blessing.

I lean back against the pole, with my arms folded, knowing Cockaglong is going to yell at me, however before he can do as such the doors closest to his desk open, revealing some other man with long blonde hair, a scowl, and a bitchy attitude.

The man walks over to Professor Gocalon, they greet one another before our Professor instructs us to pack our things up and stand in a straight line further to the back.

My legs feel weird and spacy as they haven't really had any proper circulation and movement in the last three hours. I look around at all the other kids wincing as they stretch out the limbs, jeez... maybe they had it worse.

Well that's what they get for being fuck heads and obeying.

My eyes scan the room for Maxton, until they land on his amber eyes and I strut over, giving him a hug.

Which was weird and I have no idea why I did it, nevertheless he looked like he needed it, and he didn't hesitate for long before rapping his arms around me, engulfing me in warmth.

I could get used to this.

"...I'm sorry for leaving you." I answered truthfully.

This isn't me.

I'm not some weak thing that cares about others.

So why am I doing it now!

Is it cause this is a new place so I can be who ever and re start my life?


I don't know what's happening.

All I know is I want a brake.

We release one another turning towards the others, lining up besides one another.

In walks a whole big group of other males, majority of them with neutral expressions.

I scowl, this is confusing, why are these people here and why do we have to stand in a line.

What for they can shoot us down?

The males scan their eyes over all of us, making me angry as if we're some piece of delicious furniture.

I poke my head out looking at the straight rows we've all placed ourselves in.

So much for being rebellious.

The teachers make their way to the front of the group of boys, facing us, as we stand their unknowingly.

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