Chapter 14: Invite them aready!!!

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Lucy's Pov:

I put the necklace away and turn towards Harry. I look at Kit then Jesa they give a thumbs up.

"Um.... so... Harry? Theres this party tonight at my boyfriends house and..... well..... I was wondering well.....if um....... you know...... you wanted to come." i fiddle with my hands. He lifts my chin and looks me in the eyes.

"Of course we will come!" He says. I smile and give them the details.

"Wait i have nothing to wear and i bet you guys don't either." i whisper.

"SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!" the boys yell. we all get dressed and head to the mall.

"Where to first?" I ask we were by Victoria's Secret i hate that place its just to girly. All five boys smirk and I turn to run. I start to run. I run passed the pretzel place and The cheese cake factory. Then Harry grabs my waist.

"Nooooo!!I am not going in there!!!! I scream. Liam goes to the lady at the front desk. She points up the stairs. The manager comes out and nods. Everyone that was currently in Victoria's Secret is now gone. The doors shut. They just cleared out the an entire store! Harry puts me down and I run to the door. LOCKED!!!!! I guess I have no choice. I reluctantly walk back to the boys and sit on the bench.

"Come on Lu! You can't try the dresses on if you sit!" Louis said. He grabs my hand and drags me to the dressing rooms.

"Try these on." Niall said. He throws over six dresses and some included the shoes and jewelry. He throws over one of the matching dresses with boots! They hi me in the head and knock me down.

"OW!!!!!!" I rub my head and stand up.

"Oops! Sorry!" Niall calls over. I tried dress after dress. I swear I tried on the entire store!!! okay maybe not but still!

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