Chapter 34: Burning & Drowning

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None of us are sleeping through this. But we're pretending to. It's the middle of the night. I was having a peaceful dream when Dathid and Qince started yelling. It's been going on for at least fifteen minutes. I don't know what the fight's about because they're speaking in their native language. It could be anything, but it's probably everything.

Jonah's bright red eyes are glowing in the woods across from me. If he doesn't feel the need to intervene, I certainly don't. They probably should have it out anyway. I just wish it was during the day.

Qince is getting louder, and Jonah gets a few steps closer. I can't see what's going on because they're behind me. When Kyrbast sits up for a better view, I do the same. The light through the trees is dim and grey, but it's always dusk, so they can easily be seen by all of us, except Goutadge. She's the only one still sleeping.

Dathid's so angry he's spitting when he talks. Qince doesn't seem as mad. He looks arrogant, which makes Dathid more furious.

Qince throws the first hook, hitting Dathid in the jaw. Dathid follows with three jabs of his own. They fall to the ground. I'm not sure who tackled who—Solara charges into the woods after Jonah. Kyrbast and I exchange looks, but neither one of us get involved. I'm hoping Dathid forgot about my walk earlier. He can be protective, or maybe that's why they're arguing.

Solara grabs Dathid by the tip of his wing. He jumps to his feet and takes several steps backward. He almost takes a swing at her but catches himself. When Qince gets to his feet, Jonah steps between them. The fight is over even though Dathid still looks like he wants to kill Qince.

"I'm going for a walk," Dathid says as he stomps off into the woods.

"I'm going with you," Jonah says in a tone that implies he's angry, too. Why is everyone fighting with each other?

"Do you think the Orb or Carforn is making everyone fight?" I ask Kyrbast as I take a seat on one of the boulders by the fire.

"It's possible, but that's not what this fight is about."

Solara and Qince watch them leave. I think back to her comments about how good-looking he is. Seeing them standing together, they make an odd couple. A flash of jealousy makes me remember that Solara's marrying an elf.

Qince shuffles over and sits on the boulder next to me. He has a bruise forming under his eye and a cut on his chin. I should say something, but I have no idea what.

He leans forward and rests his forearm on his legs. He looks over at me with a sheepish grin.

For some stupid reason, I smile back. "You look terrible." 

"I feel terrible," he says as he blots the blood on his knuckles.

"You might look a little neater if you remove some of the forest from your clothing." Then I lean over and pick some of the leaves and twigs off his arm.

I like touching him. His skin is warmer than mine. When I get all the debris I can reach, I stand behind him to get the rest. I comb through his long hair and tell him about the monkeys on Earth that eat bugs off each other. Then he tells me a story about Defaneries that eat the limbs off each other.

"Go to sleep," Solara orders. We do as commanded, which is a good thing because as soon as I lie down, Dathid and Jonah return. 

I can't sleep, but I don't take a watch because I'm not allowed. Everyone thinks I'm going crazy again. The only one who doesn't treat me as if I'm a mental patient is Qince. But when I talk to him, everyone goes insane. I get he isn't a Knight. He's not even much of a soldier, but that doesn't mean we have to exclude him from the group. I wasn't much of a soldier either. I feel bad he's having such a hard time.

The Lost Knight (Volume IV) The Lost PrinceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora