Unexpected Flying Humans Pt.1

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The cafeteria stared at him, Percy gave a glare back. He stormed out of the room, Bianca following suit crying his name. Percy ducked into the Com Dorm and sat on his 4th-floor bed. His head sat on his knees leaving dark tears in shreds. Bianca sprang up there and brought him down onto the floor.

"Do you want to talk to him?" she whispered in a smooth calming voice. Percy only nodded, picking up his spear and morphing into Xiao. She threw an arrow at a small rock, and it cracked, summoning a god. In his business attire, Mr. Zhongli appeared. He glanced at Percy's broken shape on the floor and knelt down. 

"What's wrong child?" He asked patiently. Percy, now in his Xiao form, whimpered and turned away. This kept going until Zhongli got interrupted. 

"Good Morning, God of Contracts, how is he?" Chaos looked at him in a business suit. Zhongli responded "Good day, Creator. He will be fine, I'll bring 'some' in if you don't mind?" Chaos simply nodded his graying head. "In the gymnasium, if you will." The older man mumbled.

Rock structures appeared and the class training there teleported to the stands, as well as the Commanders. Xiao and Ganyu teleported in the middle and the rock statues became all sorts of giant horned slimes. Xiao had stopped weeping, leaning on his spear.

"Like old times, old friend?" Xiao muttered under his breath.

"Sure, don't you dare even use that mask for more than a minute." Ganyu expressed her concern.

The globby creatures advanced, leaving some remnant behind. Ganyu had already shot an ice arrow, it split and hit everywhere. Xiao dashed everywhere in a black-green blur, millions of suspended slashes in mid-air, threatening to move. 

Luke scoffed and asked the stupidest question ever. "What'll that do, it'll just go throug-" 

Xiao put on his mask and the air slashes cut up the slime, gaining growth with Xiao's most subtle movements. Ganyu launched a pearl into the air and it rained icicles. Xiao plunged into it, spears, air slashes, and icicles emerged from the ground as Ganyu approached it with undeterminable speed, ice blue daggers formed on her palms, Xiao dashed to the back.

Ganyu slashed the front and Xiao cut the back in a fit of rage. Slime bounced over the walls and hit Luke and the previous class. 

Zoe PoV:

Males, they're bad. In weaponry fighting, agility and teamwork. They always rush in without thinking. M'Lady taught me these lessons, but this one didn't seem bad. 

'Xiao', as Perseus is now called, is absolutely amazing at movement. That was until he let out a shriek and the new god hit him in the back of the head with some sort of pillar.

The mask fell off and his face was revealed. Hinges fell to the sides of his face, his hair in a neat braid at the back. His amber eyes had a tinge of vermillion at the edges, which soon disappeared. I can tell why my old fellow hunter likes him. Bianca, or Ganyu now, doesn't hide things well. I could tell she glanced at him in a strange way and she just rushed over to him. 

I swear I saw multiple of the boys droop into a love-torn face, mainly Pollux, who was an apprentice Commander.

Xiao went limp onto Ganyu's shoulders and she showed a distressed face. Which looked cute beyond imagination, I am so gonna tease her later. 

Anyways, she called out for this Rex Lapis figure and that god from earlier helped her pick the small boy up, Ganyu gave him some sort of flower to him, I thought it was a joke till he nibbled on it. She asked if he felt better and he gave her a thumbs-up before becoming semi-unconscious again.  

I followed showed them to the infirmary, and I heard Ganyu humming a strange song through the door. 

Later, I had returned to the door. Luke punched the wall and muttered, "How come Percy gets all the hot girls?!" Pollux nodded and I slapped them both, upwards I might add. Ganyu came back into the room and collided with Pollux's foot. I heard her mutter something under her breath after saying ow sarcastically. "Unexpected Flying Humans."

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