ch. 8

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Markus ♡

I sit beside Jamie after I help him up. He still looks a little dazed at being forced from his trance. It takes everything in me not to pull him closer.

He swings his feet as we watch the interaction between his cousin and brother. Eventually everyone goes over to the stage but we remain seated.

I look over at him. "Has it always just been you and your brother?" I ask, partly to get to know him, partly to know if he's taken.

He looks at me, those deep blues colliding with my own. A blush spreads over his face and I smirk.

Then he shakes his head. "Ah, no. We, my family is still all alive and well. They're at home, but they dont.. understand us really. We don't like staying in one place, or we didn't like staying there because neither of us felt like we belonged. So when we got old enough we left." He looks down and picks at his sleeves, pulling the rubber band on his wrist and snapping it against his skin lightly. "We haven't really been back in like three years."

I hum. "Don't you miss them?" I know I miss my mother, I never knew her but not having that figure in my life is sad.

Jamie sighs, his shoulders slouching. I don't like seeing him sad, it makes me frown.

"I.." he rubs his face lightly, his feet stop swinging. "It's terrible, but no. No, I don't." He laughs dryly, not looking up. "I know Johnny does but he's being stubborn. Another reason we left is because of me really.. and since he's my brother, my twin, he felt that I shouldn't be alone."

I'm confused. "What do you mean because of you?" I lean a bit closer, trying to get him to look at me.

Unfortunately at that moment his brother starts to play the guitar and Jamie shakes his head. Looking at me and smiling widely. "Come on, he's a great player!"

He got lucky.

He grabs my hand and hops off the counter, tugging me to the stage. The whole time Johnny is singing to my sister, I can only focus on the feeling of Jamie's hand in mine. The softness and warmth of his skin against my cold hand.

Jamie gasps when his brother jumps off the stage, letting my hand go and racing forward. I groan, wishing he had just stayed beside me.

3rd pov

"Awesome.." is the first thing out of Johnny's mouth when he lifts his head.

Jamie smacks his own forehead and groans. "Why couldn't I jump off with you?!" He stomps his foot on the floor. He'd always wanted to do a stage dive.

"I am so blown away right now!" Mavis exclaims as she runs over, hovering over Johnny; who didn't bother getting up.

Markus walks over to stand beside Jamie. Taking in some satisfaction when the short ginger flashes a bright smile his way.

Frank thumps over with a grin on his face. "I think my cuz," he leans down and grabs the back of Johnny's jacket. Lifting him off the floor and holding him in front of his face. "Is gonna make this the best party ever!" He yells.

Jamie nods in agreement. Clasping his hands together, really Johnny would be the one helping. He laughs to himself at the thought; a couple monsters looking at him strangely and stepping back.

Markus looks at him but doesn't move, a small smile on his face. Wow he's whipped already.

Murray hops up to the older twin and Frank. Nodding his head.

"Yeah! Maybe he can find a way to get me chicks!" Murray says excitedly.

Johnny hums, pointing to his brother. "Ask Jamie for help on that one. He's the best with love." he shrugs nonchalantly.

That makes Jamie laugh again. "I'm not the best" He shakes his head.

They continue on like he didn't even speak which makes him pout, which in turn makes Markus nudge him.

When he looks at Markus, he laughs as the other man was making faces at him.

Markus grins; happy to have made him smile again. Don't get him wrong the pout was adorable but he liked his smile better.

Monsters start talking over each other as they all crowd Johnny. Johnny, loving the attention, talks excitedly back to them.

The crowd presses forward a bit more which makes Jamie step back, right into Markus' chest. He squeaks as his face turns red looking up at him.

Markus just smiles at him and gently tugs him away from the growing crowd. They stand a small distance away and watch.

Red mist appears behind the crowd and Drac shoots up. Waving his hands to the side as he yells. "We're not doing any of that! We've got to stay on schedule alright?"

Mavis groans as she slouches. "All right dad, all right." She shares a look with Markus when she notices how close he was to Jamie.

However, she ignores that and turns to Johnny again. She puts her hand on his chest and smiles. "Johnny you're coming too. So are you Jamie!" She calls to the other ginger who startles, not expecting to be noticed.

He gives her a thumbs up but doesn't move from his spot against Markus' chest. Can you blame him?

Johnny on the other hand looks concerned. "I don't know. Is it cool with Dracula?"

That however gets the monsters to all start talking again. All trying to convince him to join them.

Unseen by everyone, except the two at the edge of the crowd, Drac narrows his eyes in fury.

The crowd thins and separates as the monsters take Johnny somewhere, leaving Jamie and Markus behind.

Jamie huffs. "All this attention is going to go straight to his head." He crosses his arms and faces Markus. Looking up at him.

Markus hums as he looks down at the shorter male; loving their height difference.

"Are you jealous?" He asks with a slowly growing grin.

Jamie scoffs. Shaking his head. "I'm not one for attention.. really. You staying behind with me is surprising as it is. I was always told Johnny was the better twin between us." The last sentence was quietly spoke so he couldn't be heard.

Unfortunately for him, Markus had (this is going to sound very dumb but I don't know how to put it) higher hearing than others and he caught that.

His eyes narrow. "Who told you that?" Though he had an idea based on their earlier conversation.

Jamie jumps lightly. "You heard that? Wow! Wish I had your hearing!" He grins trying to distract him.

Doesn't work. His eyes remained narrowed as he repeats the question, because who dare hurt this cute boy?

Jamie sighs. Rubbing his face after uncrossing his arms. He's careful not to remove the paint. "My mother." Is his quiet answer. "She's.. she means well I'm sure, but she has this way of insulting people and not knowing it. I've spent my life listening to it.. and it got worse when I told her.." he trails off. Looking away from Markus as he was suddenly afraid of his reaction.

"When you told her..?" Markus repeats. Shifting his weight slightly. He didn't like the look of fear on Jamie's face. Not one bit.

"That I'm gay."


Sorry for the extremely late update. My adhd was acting up for a while and I got hyperfixated on reading famfictions, my b.
Hope you all enjoy 🙂

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