Tonight, Aurora stalked Ashton's social media accounts.
She noticed how pictures of him on Instagram got over 200 likes. He had only 900 followers. She found that impressive.
She noticed how his Tweets were things like, "Single again" and, "These bitches never learn."
She noticed how people Tweeted him about his Mallory and he simply replied, "Nah, she's done with."
She noticed how many selfies he posted on Instagram with his ex-girlfriends, too. He never deleted any. Like a scrapbook of memories, only public and open for jealous girls like Aurora to cry over.
One day, she wanted to be in a picture with him on Instagram. She wanted his long tan arms wrapped around her waist. She wanted to be the girl that other girls cried over.
Most importantly, she wanted to be with a beautiful boy.

aesthetic [ashton irwin]
Fanfictionbecause he was so pleasing to the eye that aurora couldn't get enough. (cover by elle) [fanfiction #81]