Dinner and Good Company

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Racing back into their Mayfair home, the girls barged into the informal drawing room where their mother was busy painting with some watercolors. Margaret, surprised by the sudden intrusion, greeted her daughters warmly as they walked into the room. Lucy noticed Henry sitting in a corner as well, reading peacefully.

"The Bridgertons have invited us to dinner, Mother- may we go?" Eleanor asked eagerly. Henry looked up and laughed at the excitement of their youngest sibling.

"Of course, darling. I think I will remain here, though. I was going to retire early tonight- as was your father." She replied with a soft smile.

"Yes, we expected so," Lucy spoke.

"Well, we should be getting ready. Our first dinner back!" Eleanor said excitedly.

She dragged her sister out of the drawing room and up the grand staircase leading to the upstairs rooms. The two of them went into their respective rooms, then called in their maids to help them prepare for the night. Lucy's hair was the first task to be undertaken- the previous neat coiffure was completely demolished after the events of the day- traveling for hours on end, the visit to the modiste, and the excursion in the park. It was returned to its elegant and tidy appearance and made more fancy with the addition of hairpins on one side, which were glistening with French diamonds. The dress her lady's maid picked out for her was a pale pink with a white trim around the bust, and flowers in the same shade running all the way down.

After she donned her gloves and bonnet, as well as some last minute pieces of demure jewelry- a pair of simple diamond earrings and a matching necklace that trickled down her neck like rainfall in a V shape- Lucy met her younger sister in the foyer of the house, ready to leave. Eleanor was wearing a baby blue dress, with silk gloves to match, and decided to neglect any jewelry. It was a simple ensemble, yet it was perfect- symbolic of her virtue. Eleanor was waiting with henry, who changed into his evening wear. The three of them shared some lop sided grins and excited chatter before they set off for the night, eager to taste that delicious and esteemed Bridgerton cuisine and engage with the friends that they hadn't seen in so long.

Lucy, Eleanor, and Henry stepped into the Bridgerton house and were quickly greeted by a swarm of joyful Bridgerton siblings. Francesca and Hyacinth were arguably the most excited to see them, as they immediately began asking them questions about their activities in the countryside, while also praising the Blackthorne sisters on their impeccably styled hair and beautifully crafted dresses. Anthony eventually pushed his way through his younger siblings with his wife Kate, who was dressed in a dark purple frock that made her glow, and introduced her to the three of them. Colin then appeared, greeting the girls before making his way to his best friend Henry. Lucy couldn't help but notice that there was one face that was missing, though. Benedict. She wondered where he was, and when she would get to see him. Gregory was even here, running circles around the group. Would Benedict be coming to dinner or did he decide not to join them tonight? No, he must be joining them. It was his idea for the three of them to join his family that evening, after all. She would have to wait and see, though she was growing impatient by the second for some reason.

Breaking her out of her slight daydream, a high-pitched voice rang across the room, screaming Lucy's name. The girl ran across the room and engulfed her friend in the tightest embrace she had ever experienced in her life.

"Daphne, you're killing me," Lucy spoke, her voice strained.

Her friend let go of her and laughed.

"Sorry, Luce- I'm so happy to see you again, it's been far too long," She replied.

The Muse // Benedict Bridgertonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें