Chapter 54

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Peyton POV:

It's the next day and Paige is back home after the game at Marquette. I watched her post game interview with Nika and I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing, they are so funny when they are with each other and I love the relationship they have with one another.

Right now I'm in Paige's room and me, Paige, Nika and Christyn are decorating their dorm for Christmas since Christmas is in a few days. I'm not sure what we are doing for Christmas yet because we both have off from sports for a few days but I can't really go home to my family since they kicked me out. But that's for another time to figure out, right now I'm just enjoying decorating for the holidays with my friends and girlfriend that are my family.

"Hey Peyton can you help me put the star on top of the tree" Nika asks

"Are you serious" I say laughing

"Yea, why" Nika says

"Because I'm the shortest one here, did you forget I play softball and not basketball" I tell her chuckling

"Good point" she says laughing

"Here I'll do it" Christyn says coming over to Nika and I and grabbing the star as she walks back over to the tree and puts it on top with ease.

Right now Paige is putting the lights on the tree and me, Nika, and Christyn are getting all the ornaments out

"Who knew putting lights on a tree could be so difficult" Paige says as she walks over brushing all the tree needles off of her

"Let me help you with that" I say laughing as I help brush off all the tree needles. "You literally have some in your hair, how did you get them in your hair" I add, picking the pieces out of her hair

"Who knows, it was a complicated task" she jokes

After about 45 minutes later we finished decorating the tree and are all now drinking some hot chocolate in the kitchen together.

"So what are you all doing for christmas" Nika asks as she takes a sip of her hot chocolate

"I'm going back home to Arkansas to see my family" Christyn says

"Yea I'm going back home too" Paige says

"I am not sure what I'm gonna do yet" I say playing with the spoon in my hot chocolate cup as Paige rubs my back, knowing why I said I'm not sure yet.

I haven't told anyone other than Paige about my parents so it makes sense Nika and Christyn assume I'm going home for the holiday.

It's later in the day and Paige and I are watching Elf in her room when she randomly pauses it so I pick my head up from her shoulder and look at her to see what's wrong

"So, i've been thinking and I was wondering if you wanted to come home with me for the holidays" she says

"Wait are you serious" I say shocked

"Yea, because I don't want you to spend it alone, and my dad and Drew already love you so they wouldn't mind. You would also be able to meet my mom and other siblings if you want"

"Oh my god, I'd love to. thank you so much" I say kissing her with excitement

"You're welcome" she says chuckling at my excitement "You can also invite your brother and sister if you want, they don't have to stay the whole time but they can come for a day or two if they want"

"Wait, seriously!"

"Yea, I don't want you to feel alone during a christmas and New Years, plus I know how close you are to your siblings so it will give you a chance to see them before your season starts"

"I love you so much" I say starting to cry

"Hey, don't cry" she says pulling me in for a hug

"It's just no one has done something like this for me before" I say hugging her back trying to stop my tears of joy

"Well get used to it, because I'm gonna spoil you all of the time" she jokes kissing the top of my head

a/n: do you guys want me to write UConn winning the national championship last year? Or write that they lost to Arizona in the Final Four?

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