Lara's POV
The team had a strategy they wished to employ, so I had to wait a few days. It was annoying to sit around and do nothing. Well, I did spend the time pondering how I was to convince Mila that we were mates. Obviously, she'd feel the bond when we locked eyes, but I'm pretty sure she's gonna be in denial. Especially since she'll feel the bond more intensely than me.
I was bored and snuck out of the hideout. I walked back to the city center and found Lech. I entered the club by just flashing my smile at the security guard. Good to know that I still have my vampiric charm. I walked through the club with a mission. It didn't take me long to find Naomi and her siblings. I waited until Naomi walked off to follow her. She entered a private corridor, so I used that opportunity to grab her bicep. She squeaked when I dragged her to her office. I closed the door and placed a silencing spell on the room.
"Who are you?" She sneered.
"Damn, I'm really not notorious if you don't know me." I scoffed. "Lara. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Naomi."
"Who do you think you are to-"
"Lara Sangpure. Vampire. I need information on the Ricci family." She opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it. "Your club operates as a place to exchange confidential information. You were flirting with a highly ranked military official. I assume you had innocent reasons, so tell me how to access the compound."
"Why would I help you? Betraying the family-"
"Will end with you dead. That's how the mafia works, babe. So just cut to the chase and tell me any weak spots." I started to become annoyed.
"Why would I-"
"Because I'm demanding you." I stepped to her, making her gulp and step back. "I could easily compel you, but I'm trying to do this in a more respectful way. Don't think I'm against compulsion." I coldly spoke. "So talk."
"I don't-"
"Naomi." My eyes flashed, making her gulp. "Do this for me, please."
"Why would I?" She humorlessly laughed.
"Where I'm from, we know each other quite well. Have a bit of a history and there's a person that is important to us." I looked away. "I need your help."
"I don't know you." She confusingly spoke.
"And I actually think that's for the best." I bitterly smiled. "Are you in a relationship?" Naomi had an offended look. "I'm not trying to pry. Just want to see if you're doing alright."
"I actually am in a relationship." She rolled her eyes. "Your point?" But I smiled instead of getting offended. "Anyways, there's a cavern near the ocean that you can use to enter the compound. The Ricci family generally uses it to sneak out the compound, so be careful not to run into them. They won't hesitate to kill you. They detest vampires." She took a deep breath. "And the vampires can't afford to lose anymore of their people."
"How low are the numbers?"
"In the low thousands." Naomi sympathetically spoke. "The succubi aren't faring much better." She mumbled.
"How bad?"
"A couple hundred." She breathed out. "The werewolves group succubi, wendigo, and vampires together. Claim that we live off humans and thus should be eradicated."
"How are you and your family still alive?" I was genuinely curious.
"Operating this club and informing them of any plans made by the resistance or any group that opposes the family. We also sell out our kind." Naomi regretfully spoke. "We're traitors to our people."
"I see." I softly spoke. "Just know that you're not a traitor. You're looking out for your own survival." I smiled. "And I don't mind if you inform the military personnel that's in your club." She eyed me wearily. "Reveal my identity." I smirked.
"You sure?"
"It'd be a pleasure."
I approached a half naked girl at the bar. We smiled at each other and began talking. She ended up buying me a drink, which I used to distract myself from the military personnel closing in on me. She attempted to kiss me when the security dragged me back. I was actually grateful to them, so I didn't have to awkwardly avoid her lips. What I wasn't grateful for was the beating that ensued. Normally, they'd kill a vampire upon sight, but they found value in arresting a royal.
Silver cuffs and a collar were placed on me. I arched a brow at the collar since I thought it'd be more suitable for werewolves, but who was I to wonder? They dragged me to a vehicle and threw me inside. I glared while they cackled and continued to kick me. When the car drove off, they'd sneer at me or make sexual innuendos to me. I admit that I only engaged the women and completely ignored the men. My actions seemed to bruise the men's egos while shocking the women.
"If you plan on sexually assaulting me, I'd prefer you to have the right parts?" I smirked, causing the men to beat me.
They eventually let up when one of the female personnel told them not to beat me to death. As if they could. I rolled my eyes and spat out the blood. My bloody smirk infuriated the men even more, so the leader had to yell them into submission. The rest of the ride was spent with me taunting the security.
The truck eventually pulled up to the villa. I was dragged out and through the many corridors. I observed that the building remained the same, so I can go as far and assume the secret tunnels are still intact. The chains rattled as we made our way down the halls. I recognized the room we were headed towards and arched a brow.
They thrust me inside a cell and told me to stay put. I noticed a bloodied up man resting against the wall. I then turned and saw another man gripping his shoulder in pain.
"What's going on?" I asked them.
"We're waiting until the judgment." One of them spat.
"Wait! Like I'm after you guys?" They nodded at me. "Oh, hell no." I scoffed and started shaking the bars. "I'm the bloody princess of vampires and you're telling me that my presence is on the same level as a peasant?! Absolutely not! I should be carted off first!" I kept complaining as the security approached me. "I'm to be next! Not those asswipes!"
"Shut up! The security screamed at me.
He made an effort to punch me, so I caught his wrist. His eyes widened and he attempted to break my hold. I smirked and yanked his arm through the skits in the bars. He grunted as his face collided with the cell. His friends pulled him back in an effort to free him, but I wasn't going to make it that easy. I chuckled as three people tried pulling him free.
"Take me first." I demanded and released him.
They toppled out the floor while I patiently waited for them to take me. They quickly scrambled up and unlocked the door to beat me. When will these people learn? I rolled my eyes and dodged their attacks. I managed to subdue them and free the terrified prisoners. I shrugged and sauntered out of the cell. Now, where would Mila be? I heard shouting and turned to see wolves dashing towards me.
"Any idea where the lovely Amelia is?" I smirked when one attacked me.
I kicked him down and ducked under another one. I managed to side step their attacks. I heard more footsteps and turned to see the well dressed mafia men. I stopped and held my hands up in surrender. However, they proceeded to shoot me. I grunted and clutched my abdomen since that silver bullet hurt like a bitch.