Chapter Thirty-Four: Mirabelle

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Gideon laughed through Felix's mouth. "Felix picked the nastiest beast in Abernathy's collection."

He transformed into the Kodiak bear.

"Ah. That is a nice choice," Sebastian said.

Archer lifted his sword. "Bad for us."

Panic overtook Felix at the sight of Archer's blade pointed his way, enough for him to pull himself back into a human form. "Wait! Don't kill me!"

"We aren't going to hurt you, Felix." Sebastian held up his hands. "But Gideon—"

Ernest laughed from where he lay on the ground. "Gideon's going to free me, and we're going to kill you."

Felix's head snapped toward Ernest. Gideon spoke. "Really? After you were so ready to kill him and send me to whatever's next?"

"I didn't think you were coming back!" Ernest protested. "Besides, I've done so much for you. Hell, how many of my hunting trophies did I let you raid for parts?"

"It's going to take a lot more than that—" Gideon started.

Archer grabbed the back of Felix's jacket and held his blade to the side of his face.

Felix wrestled control back from Gideon and shoved him down, out of his mind. "I've got him under control!"

"No, you don't."

Felix's jaw clenched. Gideon was already clawing his way back up.

"Listen, Felix." Sebastian's voice was calm, but genuine distress crept in. He took a cautious step forward. "Let us take you back to the castle and put you somewhere Gideon won't be able to hurt anyone. Just long enough for us to sort us out. I know you're strong enough to beat him, but right now you're exhausted."

Felix dropped to his knees. Archer's blade followed, keeping within a few inches of his face.

Arisa watched with wide eyes. "Don't hurt him!"

"We'd all be dead without him," Mason added.

"That means nothing if Gideon takes control," Archer said. "Felix, Gideon's much stronger than you."

The demons Sebastian had warned them about entered the lawn and started toward them. They were slow, injured, but persistent. They'd reach Felix and the others in a minute, tops.

"I'm in control," Felix insisted. "Archer, you can go fight."

"I'm not leaving your side," Archer replied. Felix wasn't sure if that was supposed to be reassuring or threatening. Probably the latter.

"Sebastian?" Kendra asked. "Do you have enough energy left to handle the demons?"

Sebastian pressed his hands together and cracked his knuckles. "I think so. But Archer might have to carry me back to the castle."

"I'm not carrying you anywhere."

Felix took a deep breath. His fingers dug into the dirt.


How could he have forgotten?

Felix chuckled. "Sorry, Ezra," he said under his breath.

"What was that?" Archer asked.

Ezra must have heard him. His presence slid into Felix's head. Me and the others were busy trying to pull Gideon back. Otherwise, I would have reminded you.

"Nah, that's on me. I think I neglected your abilities a bit." Felix paused. "And your cactus. How often should I be watering it again?"

A new presence slammed into Felix. Enough talk. I've almost got you, kid, Gideon hissed.

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