69. She Rises

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Pairing: Elijah/Finn-Henrik (M/mm) hand, mild

"I spoke to Tristan and he's agreed to personally look into what is going on with the Davina situation. There is a very high level witch, Bastiana Natale, that may be involved. I don't like it, Niklaus. It seems like very dark magic mixed with science," Elijah informed him.

"I know, brother. Thank you for reaching out to that little weasel. For all we know the Strix are behind this whole plot just to get us to owe them something. Poor Kol is refusing to leave the Claire tomb where Davina's body resides. Marcel is quite shaken that Rebekah was taken by Papa Tunde. He's snapping at me and acting like I am stepping on his toes. I am ready to come home," Klaus confessed.

"Then come home. The boys miss you. The older ones missed dinner last night. They were at the Gilbert residence doing God knows what and not answering their phones. I should have thrashed them, but they looked so miserable, I just fed them and gave them a warning. Oh, and Tyler broke his phone again," Elijah shared.

"Again, Elijah, you know what I would do if I was there! I warned him. Bloody hell. And they have been all been warned about..., I'm sorry. I have no right to chide you. I know that you will do what is right. How are Henrik and Finn?" Klaus inquired.

"Vanessa said they are learning faster than anyone she's ever seen. They have been acting up a bit with the tutor and Vanessa in the afternoon. No, brother, I haven't taken them to task either. They miss all of you. They are restless in the house. Vanessa and I are going to tour that private school next week. She thinks it's time," Elijah explained.

"I miss them, Elijah. All of you. It's good to be here in New Orleans, but sometimes I see the ghosts of the past here, brother. We were truly happy here once, were we not? We kept the peace the best we could...," Klaus drifted off. Elijah wondered if he was crying.

"Brother, we were happy there before Father came and we thought Marcel was dead. But it was not perfect. We struggled with Kol feeling left out and Marcellus wanting to lead, but not being ready. Rebekah wanted to run off with Marcel, who didn't, until he left for the war. Those damn wolves, especially after prohibition, they were nothing but trouble. Don't sugarcoat it, Niklaus, let the past be the past," Elijah cautioned.

"Thank you for your good counsel, Elijah. You are correct, as always. I best go. Tell the boys I love them and I'll talk to them later. And Elijah, don't be afraid to give them all a hiding if they need it, I know you are giving them many chances," Klaus said.

"You're right, too. Give them an inch...Give my love to our siblings and Marcel," Elijah said hanging up.

Elijah didn't like to hear the sadness in Klaus' voice. He sounded melancholy. Frankly, the two of them had rarely been separated in 1000 years. There were times Elijah would take off for a year or so to try to distract Mikael in Europe, but he always tried to hurry back to his family. He supposed he also didn't do well alone. Things were going well with Vanessa, but it never occurred to him to leave this house.


New Orleans, LA


"You abandoned my sister to be taken by Papa Tunde?" Marcel yelled at Thierry.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I panicked. It happened so fast. One minute, she was fine, the next boom! She was done, I was afraid," Thierry said lamely.

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